System 0052

System 0052 ist unser Beispielsystem für ein reproduzierbares System über den Starsystem Generator von drow.


Star DataTypeG9 V Yellow Main SequenceRadius6.91 x 105 km   (0.99 x sol)Mass1.61 x 1030 kg   (0.81 x sol)Temperature5000 KLuminosity2.12 x 1026 W   (0.55 x sol)
ITypeRock PlanetOrbital Radius6.99 x 107 km   (0.47 AU)Period3.11 x 103 hours   (0.36 earth years)Radius1131.99 km   (0.18 x earth)Gravity1.64 m/s2   (0.17 x earth)SpecialPlanetary rings
0052 IITypeTerrestrial WorldOrbital Radius9.91 x 107 km   (0.66 AU)Period5.25 x 103 hours   (0.60 earth years)PhysicsSmall iron/silicateRadius2654.57 km   (0.42 x earth)Gravity4.00 m/s2   (0.41 x earth)Hydrosphere22 % water, 10 % iceAtmosphereThin toxicBiosphereProkaryotic microbesCivilizationColonySpecialPlanetary rings
0052 IIITypeTerrestrial WorldOrbital Radius1.37 x 108 km   (0.91 AU)Period8.50 x 103 hours   (0.97 earth years)PhysicsStandard iron/silicateRadius6321.43 km   (0.99 x earth)Gravity9.14 m/s2   (0.93 x earth)Hydrosphere24 % water, 35 % iceAtmosphereStandard toxicBiosphereMicrobesCivilizationColonySpecial3 small moons, wreckage of a crashed starship
IVTypeRock PlanetOrbital Radius1.95 x 108 km   (1.30 AU)Period1.45 x 104 hours   (1.65 earth years)Radius5937.22 km   (0.93 x earth)Gravity8.85 m/s2   (0.90 x earth)SpecialElectromagnetic storms, heavy volcanism
VTypeRock PlanetOrbital Radius3.17 x 108 km   (2.12 AU)Period3.00 x 104 hours   (3.43 earth years)Radius5573.17 km   (0.87 x earth)Gravity8.45 m/s2   (0.86 x earth)

Star System Generator by drow

0052 II

0052 II
PhysicsTypeSmall iron/silicateRadius2654.57 km   (0.42 x earth)Surface Area8.86 x 107 km2Land Area7.00 x 107 km2   (0.47 x earth)Mass4.25 x 1023 kg   (0.07 x earth)Density5.42 g/cm3   (0.98 x earth)Composition31.2% iron, 30.8% oxygen, 18.8% silicon, 18.6% titanium, 0.6% other metals, trace other elements
GravimetryGravity4.00 m/s2   (0.41 x earth)Escape Velocity4.61 km/s
RotationPeriod49.22 hoursAxis Tilt14.05 °
HydrosphereWater22 %Ice10 %
AtmosphereTypeThin toxicPressure60.42 kPa   (0.60 x earth)Composition80.0% carbon dioxide, 20.0% oxygen, trace other gases
ClimateTypeStandardMin Temp214 K   (-59 °C)Avg Temp290 K   (16 °C)Max Temp408 K   (135 °C)
BiosphereChemistryCarbonLifeformsProkaryotic microbes
CivilizationTypeColonyPopulation510000SocietyRepresentative DemocracyTech LevelStarfaring (antimatter power, interstellar spacecraft)
SpecialFeaturesPlanetary rings

0052 III

0052 III
PhysicsTypeStandard iron/silicateRadius6321.43 km   (0.99 x earth)Surface Area5.02 x 108 km2Land Area3.87 x 108 km2   (2.60 x earth)Mass5.50 x 1024 kg   (0.92 x earth)Density5.20 g/cm3   (0.94 x earth)Composition38.8% oxygen, 34.8% iron, 15.4% silicon, 7.4% aluminum, 3.7% other metals, trace other elements
GravimetryGravity9.14 m/s2   (0.93 x earth)Escape Velocity10.75 km/s
RotationPeriod27.10 hoursAxis Tilt18.49 °
HydrosphereWater24 %Ice35 %
AtmosphereTypeStandard toxicPressure96.53 kPa   (0.95 x earth)Composition47.5% argon, 28.2% sulfur dioxide, 24.3% oxygen, trace other gases
ClimateTypeColdMin Temp189 K   (-84 °C)Avg Temp286 K   (13 °C)Max Temp324 K   (51 °C)
CivilizationTypeColonyPopulation22.17 millionSocietyConstitutional MonarchyTech LevelStarfaring (antimatter power, interstellar spacecraft)
SpecialFeatures3 small moons, wreckage of a crashed starship

Fractal World Generator by drow
Based on code by John Olsson

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