System Alledra

The Alledra System (0840 Reaver’s Deep)

0.18 AU0.52 AU0.7 AU1 AU2.08 AU3.76 AU6 AU9.55 AU22 AU43.5 AU107 AU169 AU263 AU735 AU
An unnamed starAlledraLarge Gas GiantLarge Gas GiantLarge Gas GiantIce worldWorldletBig worldIce worldIce worldBig worldIce worldRad worldRad worldRad world
M1 VE566576-5Size: TSize: USize: SY465043-6Y000300-6YDFA447-AY445041-6Y410000-6YCFA341-6Y8A4000-8Y344000-0Y867000-0Y98A000-0
InfernoYBB0000-0Storm worldY583000-3Storm worldY286020-3HospitableY368255-6Rad worldY8DA000-0Rad worldYB74000-0Ice worldY544032-6Rad worldY664000-0Ice worldY322024-7Ring systemBig worldH100410-AIce worldY130005-9WorldletH256432-7Rad worldY322000-0Ice worldY300000-5WorldletH000443-9Ring systemRing systemBig worldY100465-9Big worldY120455-BIce worldY100000-6Ring systemIce worldY330021-5WorldletG356456-5Ice worldY9C8000-4Big worldY955112-6Rad worldY744000-0WorldletH100469-ARad worldY535000-0Ice worldY475014-4Ice worldY467001-5
Base OrbitDecimal OrbitOrbital DistanceNameContent TypeUWPTCs and RemarksAlbedoGreenhouse MultiplierAverage Temperature
PrimaryStarM1 VRadii (Sol): 0.5108 Mass (Sol): 0.4574 Luminosity (Sol): 0.0334
000.18 AUAlledraHospitableE566576-5Ni Ag Pr Tz0.341.11
11.40.52 AULarge Gas GiantSize: TSize: T
eff880924 kmInfernoYBB0000-0He Ba Co Sa Lk0.42.16
gee1174566 kmStorm worldY583000-3Di Co Sa Lk0.151.15-56
aitch1468207 kmStorm worldY286020-3Co Sa Lk0.351.15-107
tee44046219 kmHospitableY368255-6Lo Co Fa Sa0.451.1-139
220.7 AULarge Gas GiantSize: USize: U
pee19592090 kmRad worldY8DA000-0Wa Ba Fr Sa0.51.15-163
ess48980225 kmRad worldYB74000-0Ba Sa0.181.1-101
331 AULarge Gas GiantSize: SSize: S
cee381473 kmIce worldY544032-6Fr Sa Lk0.231.05-144
gee1017262 kmRad worldY664000-0Ba Fr Sa Lk0.191.1-131
tee38147340 kmIce worldY322024-7He Po Fr Sa0.21-145
44.42.08 AUIce worldY465043-6Fr0.281.1-185
ay6685 kmRing System
cee20055 kmBig worldH100410-AVa Ni Sa Lk0.291-194
eye133700 kmIce worldY130005-9De Po Sa Lk0.241-189
ess1671250 kmWorldletH256432-7Ni Pa Fr Sa0.511.05-216
55.43.76 AUWorldletY000300-6As Lo0.261-212
66.26 AUBig worldYDFA447-AOc Ni0.51-240
cee63273 kmRad worldY322000-0He Ba Po Fr Sa Lk0.241-223
gee168728 kmIce worldY300000-5Va Di Sa Lk0.261-225
yu8436400 kmWorldletH000443-9As Ni Sa0.321-229
76.99.55 AUIce worldY445041-6Fr0.191.05-229
bee11830 kmRing System
cee17745 kmRing System
dee23660 kmBig worldY100465-9Va Ni Re Sa Lk0.271-235
ee29575 kmBig worldY120455-BDe Ni Po Sa Lk0.261-235
eff35490 kmIce worldY100000-6Va Di Sa Lk0.241-234
88.122 AUIce worldY410000-6Di0.321-250
ay7218 kmRing System
eff43308 kmIce worldY330021-5De Po Sa Lk0.281-248
aitch72180 kmWorldletG356456-5Ni Pa Fr Sa Lk0.31.05-248
99.143.5 AUBig worldYCFA341-6Oc Lo0.81-268
aitch191110 kmIce worldY9C8000-4Fl Di Fr Sa Lk0.81.6-265
dub11466600 kmBig worldY955112-6Lo Fr Sa0.31.05-255
1010.4107 AUIce worldY8A4000-8Fl Di Fr0.41.4-260
aitch121970 kmRad worldY744000-0Ba Fr Sa Lk0.231.05-261
jay365910 kmWorldletH100469-AVa Ni Sa Lk0.241-261
pee1219700 kmRad worldY535000-0Ba Fr Sa0.31-262
1111.1169 AURad worldY344000-0Ba Fr0.271.05-264
1211.7263 AURad worldY867000-0Ga Ba Fr0.381.1-266
arr2518400 kmIce worldY475014-4Fr Sa0.281.1-265
ess3148000 kmIce worldY467001-5Fr Sa0.251.1-265
1313.2735 AURad worldY98A000-0Wa Ba Fr0.31.15-268
World NameAlledra
Orbital Distance0.18 AU
Diameter7654 km
Jump Point distance44145095 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 3h 41m 28s; 2G: 2h 36m 36s; 3G: 2h 7m 52s; 4G: 1h 50m 44s; 5G: 1h 39m 2s; 6G: 1h 30m 24s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density1.06 Earth
Mass0.259 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.66 G
Rotation Period989 hours 52 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period41 days 5 hours 52 minutes 48 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.95Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature1°C
Base Daytime temperature686°C
Base Nighttime temperature-40°C
Summer temperature increase0°C
Winter temperature decrease0°C
Upper Temperature Limit686°C
Lower Temperature Limit-40°C
Hydrographic Percentage62%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance880924 km
Diameter17694 km
Jump Point distance13801149 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 2h 3m 49s; 2G: 87m 33s; 3G: 71m 29s; 4G: 61m 54s; 5G: 55m 22s; 6G: 50m 33s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density1.02 Earth
Mass2.652 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.4 G
Rotation Period55 hours 46 minutes 12 seconds
Orbital Period2 days 7 hours 46 minutes 33 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.25Atm
Atmosphere CompositionCorrosive gas mix at temperature 6°C and at Very Thin pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0038%) and Nitrogen(99.9962%).
Base Surface Temperature6°C
Base Daytime temperature28°C
Base Nighttime temperature-133°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease23°C
Upper Temperature Limit229°C
Lower Temperature Limit-133°C
Hydrographic Percentage2%
Surface Liquid CompositionHydrofluoric Acid
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Exotic Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 386
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 382
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1174566 km
Diameter8483 km
Jump Point distance13507507 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 2h 2m 30s; 2G: 86m 37s; 3G: 70m 43s; 4G: 61m 15s; 5G: 54m 47s; 6G: 50m 0s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.92 Earth
Mass0.225 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.58 G
Rotation Period86 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 14 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1.9Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-56°C
Base Daytime temperature-39°C
Base Nighttime temperature-78°C
Summer temperature increase21°C
Winter temperature decrease35°C
Upper Temperature Limit812°C
Lower Temperature Limit-78°C
Hydrographic Percentage33%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 289
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 285
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1468207 km
Diameter2426 km
Jump Point distance13213866 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 2h 1m 10s; 2G: 85m 40s; 3G: 69m 57s; 4G: 60m 35s; 5G: 54m 11s; 6G: 49m 28s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.96 Earth
Mass0.015 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.24 G
Rotation Period120 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period5 days 0 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure2.2Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-107°C
Base Daytime temperature-83°C
Base Nighttime temperature-124°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease23°C
Upper Temperature Limit557°C
Lower Temperature Limit-124°C
Hydrographic Percentage59%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 229
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 225
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance44046219 km
Diameter4706 km
Jump Point distance470600 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 22m 52s; 2G: 16m 10s; 3G: 13m 12s; 4G: 11m 26s; 5G: 10m 13s; 6G: 9m 20s;
Density TypeHeavy Core
Density1.35 Earth
Mass0.07119 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.51 G
Rotation Period39 hours 4 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period29 Lunar months 13 days 17 hours 57 minutes 7 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.9Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-139°C
Base Daytime temperature-129°C
Base Nighttime temperature-159°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease23°C
Upper Temperature Limit196°C
Lower Temperature Limit-159°C
Hydrographic Percentage79%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 6
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 2
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance19592090 km
Diameter12043 km
Jump Point distance1204300 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 36m 34s; 2G: 25m 51s; 3G: 21m 7s; 4G: 18m 17s; 5G: 16m 21s; 6G: 14m 56s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.62 Earth
Mass0.62 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.62 G
Rotation Period99 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds
Orbital Period5 Lunar months 15 days 20 hours 21 minutes 7 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure10Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-163°C
Base Daytime temperature-153°C
Base Nighttime temperature-168°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit387°C
Lower Temperature Limit-168°C
Hydrographic Percentage100%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 31
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 27
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance48980225 km
Diameter17079 km
Jump Point distance1707900 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 43m 33s; 2G: 30m 48s; 3G: 25m 9s; 4G: 21m 46s; 5G: 19m 28s; 6G: 17m 47s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.88 Earth
Mass2.288 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.21 G
Rotation Period68 hours 18 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period22 Lunar months 0 days 2 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Gas Mix
Base Surface Temperature-101°C
Base Daytime temperature-84°C
Base Nighttime temperature-127°C
Summer temperature increase26°C
Winter temperature decrease44°C
Upper Temperature Limit329°C
Lower Temperature Limit-127°C
Hydrographic Percentage42%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 13
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 9
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance381473 km
Diameter8494 km
Jump Point distance12334307 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 1h 57m 4s; 2G: 82m 46s; 3G: 67m 35s; 4G: 58m 32s; 5G: 52m 21s; 6G: 47m 47s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.42 Earth
Mass0.103 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.26 G
Rotation Period20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period0 days 20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-144°C
Base Daytime temperature-138°C
Base Nighttime temperature-174°C
Summer temperature increase24°C
Winter temperature decrease40°C
Upper Temperature Limit50°C
Lower Temperature Limit-183°C
Hydrographic Percentage42%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 662
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 658
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1017262 km
Diameter9993 km
Jump Point distance11698518 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 1h 54m 0s; 2G: 80m 37s; 3G: 65m 49s; 4G: 57m 0s; 5G: 50m 59s; 6G: 46m 32s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.86 Earth
Mass0.363 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.65 G
Rotation Period88 hours 1 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 16 hours 1 minutes 55 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-131°C
Base Daytime temperature-109°C
Base Nighttime temperature-152°C
Summer temperature increase20°C
Winter temperature decrease34°C
Upper Temperature Limit224°C
Lower Temperature Limit-152°C
Hydrographic Percentage39%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 252
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 248
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance38147340 km
Diameter4785 km
Jump Point distance478500 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 23m 3s; 2G: 16m 18s; 3G: 13m 18s; 4G: 11m 31s; 5G: 10m 18s; 6G: 9m 24s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.01793 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.13 G
Rotation Period35 hours 6 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period30 Lunar months 4 days 22 hours 56 minutes 38 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.18Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-145°C
Base Daytime temperature-131°C
Base Nighttime temperature-209°C
Summer temperature increase15°C
Winter temperature decrease25°C
Upper Temperature Limit-43°C
Lower Temperature Limit-209°C
Hydrographic Percentage20%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 5
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 1
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance2.08 AU
Diameter6685 km
Jump Point distance668500 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 27m 15s; 2G: 19m 16s; 3G: 15m 44s; 4G: 13m 37s; 5G: 12m 11s; 6G: 11m 7s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.26 Earth
Mass0.0325 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.13 G
Rotation Period25 hours 12 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period4 years 159 days 3 hours 21 minutes 35 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.95Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-185°C
Base Daytime temperature-179°C
Base Nighttime temperature-198°C
Summer temperature increase2°C
Winter temperature decrease3°C
Upper Temperature Limit35°C
Lower Temperature Limit-198°C
Hydrographic Percentage50%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 11
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 7
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance20055 km
Diameter1769 km
Jump Point distance648445 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 26m 50s; 2G: 18m 58s; 3G: 15m 29s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.00063 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0403 G
Rotation Period36 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period1 days 12 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-194°C
Base Daytime temperature-186°C
Base Nighttime temperature-257°C
Summer temperature increase29°C
Winter temperature decrease49°C
Upper Temperature Limit-186°C
Lower Temperature Limit-257°C
Hydrographic Percentage3%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 38
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 34
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance133700 km
Diameter1542 km
Jump Point distance534800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 24m 22s; 2G: 17m 14s; 3G: 14m 4s; 4G: 12m 11s; 5G: 10m 54s; 6G: 9m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.00066 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0422 G
Rotation Period619 hours 34 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period25 days 19 hours 35 minutes 2 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.23Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-189°C
Base Daytime temperature-122°C
Base Nighttime temperature-231°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease24°C
Upper Temperature Limit-122°C
Lower Temperature Limit-231°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 3
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -1
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1671250 km
Diameter3462 km
Jump Point distance346200 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 19m 36s; 2G: 13m 52s; 3G: 11m 19s; 4G: 9m 48s; 5G: 8m 46s; 6G: 8m 0s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.68 Earth
Mass0.01063 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.17 G
Rotation Period25 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period40 Lunar months 21 days 9 hours 24 minutes 28 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-216°C
Base Daytime temperature-208°C
Base Nighttime temperature-233°C
Summer temperature increase4°C
Winter temperature decrease6°C
Upper Temperature Limit-130°C
Lower Temperature Limit-233°C
Hydrographic Percentage58%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 0
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance3.76 AU
Diameter687 km
Jump Point distance68700 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 8m 44s; 2G: 6m 10s; 3G: 5m 2s; 4G: 4m 22s; 5G: 3m 54s; 6G: 3m 34s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.36 Earth
Mass0.00006 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0206 G
Rotation Period33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds
Orbital Period10 years 284 days 16 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-212°C
Base Daytime temperature-206°C
Base Nighttime temperature-261°C
Summer temperature increase19°C
Winter temperature decrease31°C
Upper Temperature Limit-206°C
Lower Temperature Limit-261°C
Hydrographic Percentage0%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 0
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance6 AU
Diameter21091 km
Jump Point distance2109100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 48m 24s; 2G: 34m 13s; 3G: 27m 56s; 4G: 24m 12s; 5G: 21m 38s; 6G: 19m 45s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.92 Earth
Mass3.948 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.5 G
Rotation Period33 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds
Orbital Period21 years 266 days 19 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.16Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-240°C
Base Daytime temperature-227°C
Base Nighttime temperature-256°C
Summer temperature increase29°C
Winter temperature decrease48°C
Upper Temperature Limit-214°C
Lower Temperature Limit-256°C
Hydrographic Percentage100%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 37
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 33
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance63273 km
Diameter4832 km
Jump Point distance2045827 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 47m 40s; 2G: 33m 42s; 3G: 27m 31s; 4G: 23m 50s; 5G: 21m 19s; 6G: 19m 27s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.01793 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.13 G
Rotation Period21 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period0 days 21 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.16Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-223°C
Base Daytime temperature-214°C
Base Nighttime temperature-248°C
Summer temperature increase16°C
Winter temperature decrease26°C
Upper Temperature Limit-183°C
Lower Temperature Limit-248°C
Hydrographic Percentage21%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 110
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 106
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance168728 km
Diameter3978 km
Jump Point distance1940372 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 46m 25s; 2G: 32m 49s; 3G: 26m 48s; 4G: 23m 12s; 5G: 20m 45s; 6G: 18m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.22 Earth
Mass0.0116 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0825 G
Rotation Period92 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 20 hours 44 minutes 9 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-225°C
Base Daytime temperature-220°C
Base Nighttime temperature-263°C
Summer temperature increase17°C
Winter temperature decrease28°C
Upper Temperature Limit-220°C
Lower Temperature Limit-263°C
Hydrographic Percentage2%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeVanished Transplants
Seismic StressStress factor is 41
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 37
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance8436400 km
Diameter554 km
Jump Point distance55400 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 7m 50s; 2G: 5m 32s; 3G: 4m 31s; 4G: 3m 55s; 5G: 3m 30s; 6G: 3m 12s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.00003 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0159 G
Rotation Period33 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period48 Lunar months 23 days 23 hours 54 minutes 14 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-229°C
Base Daytime temperature-225°C
Base Nighttime temperature-264°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit-225°C
Lower Temperature Limit-264°C
Hydrographic Percentage3%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance9.55 AU
Diameter5915 km
Jump Point distance591500 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 25m 38s; 2G: 18m 7s; 3G: 14m 48s; 4G: 12m 49s; 5G: 11m 27s; 6G: 10m 27s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.38 Earth
Mass0.0475 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.19 G
Rotation Period13 hours 2 minutes 23 seconds
Orbital Period43 years 232 days 12 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.48Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease
Base Surface Temperature-229°C
Base Daytime temperature-225°C
Base Nighttime temperature-242°C
Summer temperature increase28°C
Winter temperature decrease46°C
Upper Temperature Limit-163°C
Lower Temperature Limit-242°C
Hydrographic Percentage51%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 20
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 16
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance23660 km
Diameter2098 km
Jump Point distance567840 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 25m 7s; 2G: 17m 45s; 3G: 14m 30s; 4G: 12m 33s; 5G: 11m 13s; 6G: 10m 15s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.46 Earth
Mass0.0009 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0576 G
Rotation Period43 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period1 days 19 hours 0 minutes 28 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-235°C
Base Daytime temperature-231°C
Base Nighttime temperature-265°C
Summer temperature increase13°C
Winter temperature decrease21°C
Upper Temperature Limit-231°C
Lower Temperature Limit-265°C
Hydrographic Percentage5%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 24
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 20
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance29575 km
Diameter1821 km
Jump Point distance561925 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 24m 59s; 2G: 17m 40s; 3G: 14m 25s; 4G: 12m 29s; 5G: 11m 10s; 6G: 10m 12s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.68 Earth
Mass0.00133 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0851 G
Rotation Period60 hours 28 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period2 days 12 hours 28 minutes 48 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.12Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-235°C
Base Daytime temperature-211°C
Base Nighttime temperature-254°C
Summer temperature increase54°C
Winter temperature decrease90°C
Upper Temperature Limit-205°C
Lower Temperature Limit-254°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 21
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 17
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance35490 km
Diameter2190 km
Jump Point distance556010 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 24m 51s; 2G: 17m 34s; 3G: 14m 21s; 4G: 12m 25s; 5G: 11m 6s; 6G: 10m 8s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.00063 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0403 G
Rotation Period79 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 7 hours 17 minutes 45 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-234°C
Base Daytime temperature-230°C
Base Nighttime temperature-265°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease37°C
Upper Temperature Limit-230°C
Lower Temperature Limit-265°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeVanished Transplants
Seismic StressStress factor is 16
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 12
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance22 AU
Diameter7218 km
Jump Point distance721800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 28m 19s; 2G: 20m 1s; 3G: 16m 21s; 4G: 14m 9s; 5G: 12m 39s; 6G: 11m 33s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.44 Earth
Mass0.055 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.22 G
Rotation Period29 hours 1 minutes 11 seconds
Orbital Period152 years 210 days 5 hours 45 minutes 35 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.05Atm
Atmosphere CompositionTrace gases
Base Surface Temperature-250°C
Base Daytime temperature-243°C
Base Nighttime temperature-266°C
Summer temperature increase28°C
Winter temperature decrease46°C
Upper Temperature Limit-243°C
Lower Temperature Limit-266°C
Hydrographic Percentage3%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeVanished Transplants
Seismic StressStress factor is 22
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 18
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance43308 km
Diameter4692 km
Jump Point distance678492 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 27m 27s; 2G: 19m 24s; 3G: 15m 51s; 4G: 13m 43s; 5G: 12m 16s; 6G: 11m 12s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.3 Earth
Mass0.01582 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.11 G
Rotation Period76 hours 35 minutes 59 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 4 hours 36 minutes 28 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.23Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-248°C
Base Daytime temperature-228°C
Base Nighttime temperature-260°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease24°C
Upper Temperature Limit-228°C
Lower Temperature Limit-260°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 20
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 16
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance72180 km
Diameter4722 km
Jump Point distance649620 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 58s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.54 Earth
Mass0.02848 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.2 G
Rotation Period164 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds
Orbital Period6 days 20 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-248°C
Base Daytime temperature-210°C
Base Nighttime temperature-255°C
Summer temperature increase7°C
Winter temperature decrease12°C
Upper Temperature Limit-210°C
Lower Temperature Limit-255°C
Hydrographic Percentage61%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 10
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 6
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance43.5 AU
Diameter19111 km
Jump Point distance1911100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 46m 4s; 2G: 32m 35s; 3G: 26m 36s; 4G: 23m 2s; 5G: 20m 36s; 6G: 18m 48s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density1.04 Earth
Mass3.51 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.56 G
Rotation Period25 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period424 years 78 days 11 hours 23 minutes 59 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1.7Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-268°C
Base Daytime temperature-263°C
Base Nighttime temperature-268°C
Summer temperature increase13°C
Winter temperature decrease22°C
Upper Temperature Limit-248°C
Lower Temperature Limit-268°C
Hydrographic Percentage95%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 23
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 19
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance191110 km
Diameter14979 km
Jump Point distance1719990 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 43m 42s; 2G: 30m 54s; 3G: 25m 14s; 4G: 21m 51s; 5G: 19m 33s; 6G: 17m 50s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.456 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.36 G
Rotation Period96 hours 45 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period4 days 0 hours 46 minutes 4 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.35Atm
Atmosphere CompositionInsidious atmosphere caused by Gas Mix at 0.35 pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.06%) and Nitrogen(99.94%).
Base Surface Temperature-265°C
Base Daytime temperature-259°C
Base Nighttime temperature-269°C
Summer temperature increase21°C
Winter temperature decrease35°C
Upper Temperature Limit-259°C
Lower Temperature Limit-269°C
Hydrographic Percentage79%
Surface Liquid CompositionHydrofluoric Acid
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 29
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 25
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance11466600 km
Diameter14938 km
Jump Point distance1493800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 40m 44s; 2G: 28m 48s; 3G: 23m 31s; 4G: 20m 22s; 5G: 18m 13s; 6G: 16m 37s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.94 Earth
Mass1.338 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.06 G
Rotation Period33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds
Orbital Period67 Lunar months 1 days 4 hours 53 minutes 45 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.55Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-255°C
Base Daytime temperature-245°C
Base Nighttime temperature-260°C
Summer temperature increase10°C
Winter temperature decrease17°C
Upper Temperature Limit-228°C
Lower Temperature Limit-260°C
Hydrographic Percentage48%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 2
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -2
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance107 AU
Diameter12197 km
Jump Point distance1219700 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 36m 48s; 2G: 26m 1s; 3G: 21m 15s; 4G: 18m 24s; 5G: 16m 27s; 6G: 15m 1s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.44 Earth
Mass0.44 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.44 G
Rotation Period29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period1636 years 198 days 13 hours 26 minutes 24 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure2.2Atm
Atmosphere CompositionExotic gas mix at Dense pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0009%) and Nitrogen(99.9991%).
Base Surface Temperature-260°C
Base Daytime temperature-254°C
Base Nighttime temperature-261°C
Summer temperature increase23°C
Winter temperature decrease38°C
Upper Temperature Limit-208°C
Lower Temperature Limit-261°C
Hydrographic Percentage42%
Surface Liquid CompositionHydrofluoric Acid
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 21
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 17
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance121970 km
Diameter11288 km
Jump Point distance1128800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 35m 24s; 2G: 25m 2s; 3G: 20m 26s; 4G: 17m 42s; 5G: 15m 50s; 6G: 14m 27s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.96 Earth
Mass0.643 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.84 G
Rotation Period105 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period4 days 9 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.7Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Sulfur Compounds
Base Surface Temperature-261°C
Base Daytime temperature-243°C
Base Nighttime temperature-265°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit-243°C
Lower Temperature Limit-265°C
Hydrographic Percentage37%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 18
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 14
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance365910 km
Diameter1565 km
Jump Point distance853790 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 30m 48s; 2G: 21m 46s; 3G: 17m 46s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 46s; 6G: 12m 34s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.28 Earth
Mass0.00055 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0352 G
Rotation Period547 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period22 days 19 hours 40 minutes 48 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-261°C
Base Daytime temperature-260°C
Base Nighttime temperature-271°C
Summer temperature increase23°C
Winter temperature decrease38°C
Upper Temperature Limit-260°C
Lower Temperature Limit-271°C
Hydrographic Percentage0%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 4
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 0
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1219700 km
Diameter8551 km
Jump Point distance855100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 30m 49s; 2G: 21m 47s; 3G: 17m 47s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 47s; 6G: 12m 35s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.08301 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.21 G
Rotation Period25 hours 8 minutes 24 seconds
Orbital Period4 Lunar months 26 days 20 hours 26 minutes 52 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.12Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease
Base Surface Temperature-262°C
Base Daytime temperature-253°C
Base Nighttime temperature-267°C
Summer temperature increase23°C
Winter temperature decrease39°C
Upper Temperature Limit-253°C
Lower Temperature Limit-267°C
Hydrographic Percentage52%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 4
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 0
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance169 AU
Diameter5637 km
Jump Point distance563700 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 25m 1s; 2G: 17m 41s; 3G: 14m 26s; 4G: 12m 30s; 5G: 11m 11s; 6G: 10m 13s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.78 Earth
Mass0.04113 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.29 G
Rotation Period33 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period3248 years 179 days 22 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-264°C
Base Daytime temperature-254°C
Base Nighttime temperature-267°C
Summer temperature increase18°C
Winter temperature decrease30°C
Upper Temperature Limit-250°C
Lower Temperature Limit-267°C
Hydrographic Percentage40%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance263 AU
Diameter12592 km
Jump Point distance1259200 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 37m 24s; 2G: 26m 26s; 3G: 21m 35s; 4G: 18m 42s; 5G: 16m 43s; 6G: 15m 16s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.98 Earth
Mass0.98 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.98 G
Rotation Period29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period6306 years 167 days 12 hours 50 minutes 23 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.9Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-266°C
Base Daytime temperature-259°C
Base Nighttime temperature-267°C
Summer temperature increase5°C
Winter temperature decrease8°C
Upper Temperature Limit-248°C
Lower Temperature Limit-267°C
Hydrographic Percentage75%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 0
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance2518400 km
Diameter6493 km
Jump Point distance649300 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.4 Earth
Mass0.05 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.2 G
Rotation Period9 hours 9 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period15 Lunar months 12 days 4 hours 59 minutes 31 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by High Oxygen
Base Surface Temperature-265°C
Base Daytime temperature-263°C
Base Nighttime temperature-266°C
Summer temperature increase20°C
Winter temperature decrease33°C
Upper Temperature Limit-245°C
Lower Temperature Limit-266°C
Hydrographic Percentage50%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance3148000 km
Diameter6886 km
Jump Point distance688600 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 27m 39s; 2G: 19m 33s; 3G: 15m 58s; 4G: 13m 49s; 5G: 12m 22s; 6G: 11m 17s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.24 Earth
Mass0.03 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.12 G
Rotation Period25 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds
Orbital Period21 Lunar months 16 days 0 hours 23 minutes 2 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.8Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-265°C
Base Daytime temperature-259°C
Base Nighttime temperature-266°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit-245°C
Lower Temperature Limit-266°C
Hydrographic Percentage75%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 0
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -4
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance735 AU
Diameter14701 km
Jump Point distance1470100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 40m 24s; 2G: 28m 34s; 3G: 23m 20s; 4G: 20m 12s; 5G: 18m 4s; 6G: 16m 29s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.98 Earth
Mass1.395 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.1 G
Rotation Period29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period29463 years 147 days 19 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure2Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-268°C
Base Daytime temperature-262°C
Base Nighttime temperature-268°C
Summer temperature increase2°C
Winter temperature decrease4°C
Upper Temperature Limit-248°C
Lower Temperature Limit-268°C
Hydrographic Percentage99%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 4
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 0
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World NameAlledra
Orbital Distance0.18 AU
Diameter7654 km
Jump Point distance44145095 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 3h 41m 28s; 2G: 2h 36m 36s; 3G: 2h 7m 52s; 4G: 1h 50m 44s; 5G: 1h 39m 2s; 6G: 1h 30m 24s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density1.06 Earth
Mass0.259 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.66 G
Rotation Period989 hours 52 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period41 days 5 hours 52 minutes 48 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.95Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature1°C
Base Daytime temperature686°C
Base Nighttime temperature-40°C
Summer temperature increase0°C
Winter temperature decrease0°C
Upper Temperature Limit686°C
Lower Temperature Limit-40°C
Hydrographic Percentage62%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance880924 km
Diameter17694 km
Jump Point distance13801149 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 2h 3m 49s; 2G: 87m 33s; 3G: 71m 29s; 4G: 61m 54s; 5G: 55m 22s; 6G: 50m 33s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density1.02 Earth
Mass2.652 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.4 G
Rotation Period55 hours 46 minutes 12 seconds
Orbital Period2 days 7 hours 46 minutes 33 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.25Atm
Atmosphere CompositionCorrosive gas mix at temperature 6°C and at Very Thin pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0038%) and Nitrogen(99.9962%).
Base Surface Temperature6°C
Base Daytime temperature28°C
Base Nighttime temperature-133°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease23°C
Upper Temperature Limit229°C
Lower Temperature Limit-133°C
Hydrographic Percentage2%
Surface Liquid CompositionHydrofluoric Acid
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Exotic Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 386
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 382
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1174566 km
Diameter8483 km
Jump Point distance13507507 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 2h 2m 30s; 2G: 86m 37s; 3G: 70m 43s; 4G: 61m 15s; 5G: 54m 47s; 6G: 50m 0s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.92 Earth
Mass0.225 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.58 G
Rotation Period86 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 14 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1.9Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-56°C
Base Daytime temperature-39°C
Base Nighttime temperature-78°C
Summer temperature increase21°C
Winter temperature decrease35°C
Upper Temperature Limit812°C
Lower Temperature Limit-78°C
Hydrographic Percentage33%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 289
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 285
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1468207 km
Diameter2426 km
Jump Point distance13213866 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 2h 1m 10s; 2G: 85m 40s; 3G: 69m 57s; 4G: 60m 35s; 5G: 54m 11s; 6G: 49m 28s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.96 Earth
Mass0.015 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.24 G
Rotation Period120 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period5 days 0 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure2.2Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-107°C
Base Daytime temperature-83°C
Base Nighttime temperature-124°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease23°C
Upper Temperature Limit557°C
Lower Temperature Limit-124°C
Hydrographic Percentage59%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 229
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 225
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance44046219 km
Diameter4706 km
Jump Point distance470600 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 22m 52s; 2G: 16m 10s; 3G: 13m 12s; 4G: 11m 26s; 5G: 10m 13s; 6G: 9m 20s;
Density TypeHeavy Core
Density1.35 Earth
Mass0.07119 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.51 G
Rotation Period39 hours 4 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period29 Lunar months 13 days 17 hours 57 minutes 7 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.9Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-139°C
Base Daytime temperature-129°C
Base Nighttime temperature-159°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease23°C
Upper Temperature Limit196°C
Lower Temperature Limit-159°C
Hydrographic Percentage79%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 6
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 2
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance19592090 km
Diameter12043 km
Jump Point distance1204300 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 36m 34s; 2G: 25m 51s; 3G: 21m 7s; 4G: 18m 17s; 5G: 16m 21s; 6G: 14m 56s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.62 Earth
Mass0.62 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.62 G
Rotation Period99 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds
Orbital Period5 Lunar months 15 days 20 hours 21 minutes 7 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure10Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-163°C
Base Daytime temperature-153°C
Base Nighttime temperature-168°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit387°C
Lower Temperature Limit-168°C
Hydrographic Percentage100%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 31
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 27
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance48980225 km
Diameter17079 km
Jump Point distance1707900 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 43m 33s; 2G: 30m 48s; 3G: 25m 9s; 4G: 21m 46s; 5G: 19m 28s; 6G: 17m 47s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.88 Earth
Mass2.288 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.21 G
Rotation Period68 hours 18 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period22 Lunar months 0 days 2 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Gas Mix
Base Surface Temperature-101°C
Base Daytime temperature-84°C
Base Nighttime temperature-127°C
Summer temperature increase26°C
Winter temperature decrease44°C
Upper Temperature Limit329°C
Lower Temperature Limit-127°C
Hydrographic Percentage42%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 13
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 9
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance381473 km
Diameter8494 km
Jump Point distance12334307 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 1h 57m 4s; 2G: 82m 46s; 3G: 67m 35s; 4G: 58m 32s; 5G: 52m 21s; 6G: 47m 47s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.42 Earth
Mass0.103 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.26 G
Rotation Period20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period0 days 20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-144°C
Base Daytime temperature-138°C
Base Nighttime temperature-174°C
Summer temperature increase24°C
Winter temperature decrease40°C
Upper Temperature Limit50°C
Lower Temperature Limit-183°C
Hydrographic Percentage42%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 662
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 658
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1017262 km
Diameter9993 km
Jump Point distance11698518 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 1h 54m 0s; 2G: 80m 37s; 3G: 65m 49s; 4G: 57m 0s; 5G: 50m 59s; 6G: 46m 32s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.86 Earth
Mass0.363 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.65 G
Rotation Period88 hours 1 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 16 hours 1 minutes 55 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-131°C
Base Daytime temperature-109°C
Base Nighttime temperature-152°C
Summer temperature increase20°C
Winter temperature decrease34°C
Upper Temperature Limit224°C
Lower Temperature Limit-152°C
Hydrographic Percentage39%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 252
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 248
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance38147340 km
Diameter4785 km
Jump Point distance478500 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 23m 3s; 2G: 16m 18s; 3G: 13m 18s; 4G: 11m 31s; 5G: 10m 18s; 6G: 9m 24s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.01793 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.13 G
Rotation Period35 hours 6 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period30 Lunar months 4 days 22 hours 56 minutes 38 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.18Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-145°C
Base Daytime temperature-131°C
Base Nighttime temperature-209°C
Summer temperature increase15°C
Winter temperature decrease25°C
Upper Temperature Limit-43°C
Lower Temperature Limit-209°C
Hydrographic Percentage20%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 5
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 1
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance2.08 AU
Diameter6685 km
Jump Point distance668500 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 27m 15s; 2G: 19m 16s; 3G: 15m 44s; 4G: 13m 37s; 5G: 12m 11s; 6G: 11m 7s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.26 Earth
Mass0.0325 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.13 G
Rotation Period25 hours 12 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period4 years 159 days 3 hours 21 minutes 35 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.95Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-185°C
Base Daytime temperature-179°C
Base Nighttime temperature-198°C
Summer temperature increase2°C
Winter temperature decrease3°C
Upper Temperature Limit35°C
Lower Temperature Limit-198°C
Hydrographic Percentage50%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 11
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 7
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance20055 km
Diameter1769 km
Jump Point distance648445 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 26m 50s; 2G: 18m 58s; 3G: 15m 29s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.00063 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0403 G
Rotation Period36 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period1 days 12 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-194°C
Base Daytime temperature-186°C
Base Nighttime temperature-257°C
Summer temperature increase29°C
Winter temperature decrease49°C
Upper Temperature Limit-186°C
Lower Temperature Limit-257°C
Hydrographic Percentage3%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 38
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 34
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance133700 km
Diameter1542 km
Jump Point distance534800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 24m 22s; 2G: 17m 14s; 3G: 14m 4s; 4G: 12m 11s; 5G: 10m 54s; 6G: 9m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.00066 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0422 G
Rotation Period619 hours 34 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period25 days 19 hours 35 minutes 2 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.23Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-189°C
Base Daytime temperature-122°C
Base Nighttime temperature-231°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease24°C
Upper Temperature Limit-122°C
Lower Temperature Limit-231°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 3
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -1
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1671250 km
Diameter3462 km
Jump Point distance346200 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 19m 36s; 2G: 13m 52s; 3G: 11m 19s; 4G: 9m 48s; 5G: 8m 46s; 6G: 8m 0s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.68 Earth
Mass0.01063 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.17 G
Rotation Period25 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period40 Lunar months 21 days 9 hours 24 minutes 28 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-216°C
Base Daytime temperature-208°C
Base Nighttime temperature-233°C
Summer temperature increase4°C
Winter temperature decrease6°C
Upper Temperature Limit-130°C
Lower Temperature Limit-233°C
Hydrographic Percentage58%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance3.76 AU
Diameter687 km
Jump Point distance68700 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 8m 44s; 2G: 6m 10s; 3G: 5m 2s; 4G: 4m 22s; 5G: 3m 54s; 6G: 3m 34s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.36 Earth
Mass0.00006 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0206 G
Rotation Period33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds
Orbital Period10 years 284 days 16 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-212°C
Base Daytime temperature-206°C
Base Nighttime temperature-261°C
Summer temperature increase19°C
Winter temperature decrease31°C
Upper Temperature Limit-206°C
Lower Temperature Limit-261°C
Hydrographic Percentage0%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance6 AU
Diameter21091 km
Jump Point distance2109100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 48m 24s; 2G: 34m 13s; 3G: 27m 56s; 4G: 24m 12s; 5G: 21m 38s; 6G: 19m 45s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.92 Earth
Mass3.948 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.5 G
Rotation Period33 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds
Orbital Period21 years 266 days 19 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.16Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-240°C
Base Daytime temperature-227°C
Base Nighttime temperature-256°C
Summer temperature increase29°C
Winter temperature decrease48°C
Upper Temperature Limit-214°C
Lower Temperature Limit-256°C
Hydrographic Percentage100%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 37
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 33
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance63273 km
Diameter4832 km
Jump Point distance2045827 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 47m 40s; 2G: 33m 42s; 3G: 27m 31s; 4G: 23m 50s; 5G: 21m 19s; 6G: 19m 27s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.01793 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.13 G
Rotation Period21 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period0 days 21 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.16Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-223°C
Base Daytime temperature-214°C
Base Nighttime temperature-248°C
Summer temperature increase16°C
Winter temperature decrease26°C
Upper Temperature Limit-183°C
Lower Temperature Limit-248°C
Hydrographic Percentage21%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 110
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 106
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance168728 km
Diameter3978 km
Jump Point distance1940372 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 46m 25s; 2G: 32m 49s; 3G: 26m 48s; 4G: 23m 12s; 5G: 20m 45s; 6G: 18m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.22 Earth
Mass0.0116 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0825 G
Rotation Period92 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 20 hours 44 minutes 9 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-225°C
Base Daytime temperature-220°C
Base Nighttime temperature-263°C
Summer temperature increase17°C
Winter temperature decrease28°C
Upper Temperature Limit-220°C
Lower Temperature Limit-263°C
Hydrographic Percentage2%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeVanished Transplants
Seismic StressStress factor is 41
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 37
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance8436400 km
Diameter554 km
Jump Point distance55400 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 7m 50s; 2G: 5m 32s; 3G: 4m 31s; 4G: 3m 55s; 5G: 3m 30s; 6G: 3m 12s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.00003 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0159 G
Rotation Period33 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period48 Lunar months 23 days 23 hours 54 minutes 14 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-229°C
Base Daytime temperature-225°C
Base Nighttime temperature-264°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit-225°C
Lower Temperature Limit-264°C
Hydrographic Percentage3%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance9.55 AU
Diameter5915 km
Jump Point distance591500 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 25m 38s; 2G: 18m 7s; 3G: 14m 48s; 4G: 12m 49s; 5G: 11m 27s; 6G: 10m 27s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.38 Earth
Mass0.0475 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.19 G
Rotation Period13 hours 2 minutes 23 seconds
Orbital Period43 years 232 days 12 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.48Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease
Base Surface Temperature-229°C
Base Daytime temperature-225°C
Base Nighttime temperature-242°C
Summer temperature increase28°C
Winter temperature decrease46°C
Upper Temperature Limit-163°C
Lower Temperature Limit-242°C
Hydrographic Percentage51%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 20
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 16
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance23660 km
Diameter2098 km
Jump Point distance567840 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 25m 7s; 2G: 17m 45s; 3G: 14m 30s; 4G: 12m 33s; 5G: 11m 13s; 6G: 10m 15s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.46 Earth
Mass0.0009 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0576 G
Rotation Period43 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period1 days 19 hours 0 minutes 28 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-235°C
Base Daytime temperature-231°C
Base Nighttime temperature-265°C
Summer temperature increase13°C
Winter temperature decrease21°C
Upper Temperature Limit-231°C
Lower Temperature Limit-265°C
Hydrographic Percentage5%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 24
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 20
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance29575 km
Diameter1821 km
Jump Point distance561925 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 24m 59s; 2G: 17m 40s; 3G: 14m 25s; 4G: 12m 29s; 5G: 11m 10s; 6G: 10m 12s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.68 Earth
Mass0.00133 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0851 G
Rotation Period60 hours 28 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period2 days 12 hours 28 minutes 48 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.12Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-235°C
Base Daytime temperature-211°C
Base Nighttime temperature-254°C
Summer temperature increase54°C
Winter temperature decrease90°C
Upper Temperature Limit-205°C
Lower Temperature Limit-254°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 21
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 17
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance35490 km
Diameter2190 km
Jump Point distance556010 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 24m 51s; 2G: 17m 34s; 3G: 14m 21s; 4G: 12m 25s; 5G: 11m 6s; 6G: 10m 8s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.00063 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0403 G
Rotation Period79 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 7 hours 17 minutes 45 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-234°C
Base Daytime temperature-230°C
Base Nighttime temperature-265°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease37°C
Upper Temperature Limit-230°C
Lower Temperature Limit-265°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeVanished Transplants
Seismic StressStress factor is 16
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 12
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance22 AU
Diameter7218 km
Jump Point distance721800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 28m 19s; 2G: 20m 1s; 3G: 16m 21s; 4G: 14m 9s; 5G: 12m 39s; 6G: 11m 33s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.44 Earth
Mass0.055 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.22 G
Rotation Period29 hours 1 minutes 11 seconds
Orbital Period152 years 210 days 5 hours 45 minutes 35 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.05Atm
Atmosphere CompositionTrace gases
Base Surface Temperature-250°C
Base Daytime temperature-243°C
Base Nighttime temperature-266°C
Summer temperature increase28°C
Winter temperature decrease46°C
Upper Temperature Limit-243°C
Lower Temperature Limit-266°C
Hydrographic Percentage3%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeVanished Transplants
Seismic StressStress factor is 22
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 18
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance43308 km
Diameter4692 km
Jump Point distance678492 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 27m 27s; 2G: 19m 24s; 3G: 15m 51s; 4G: 13m 43s; 5G: 12m 16s; 6G: 11m 12s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.3 Earth
Mass0.01582 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.11 G
Rotation Period76 hours 35 minutes 59 seconds
Orbital Period3 days 4 hours 36 minutes 28 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.23Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-248°C
Base Daytime temperature-228°C
Base Nighttime temperature-260°C
Summer temperature increase14°C
Winter temperature decrease24°C
Upper Temperature Limit-228°C
Lower Temperature Limit-260°C
Hydrographic Percentage1%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 20
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 16
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance72180 km
Diameter4722 km
Jump Point distance649620 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 58s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.54 Earth
Mass0.02848 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.2 G
Rotation Period164 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds
Orbital Period6 days 20 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-248°C
Base Daytime temperature-210°C
Base Nighttime temperature-255°C
Summer temperature increase7°C
Winter temperature decrease12°C
Upper Temperature Limit-210°C
Lower Temperature Limit-255°C
Hydrographic Percentage61%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 10
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 6
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance43.5 AU
Diameter19111 km
Jump Point distance1911100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 46m 4s; 2G: 32m 35s; 3G: 26m 36s; 4G: 23m 2s; 5G: 20m 36s; 6G: 18m 48s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density1.04 Earth
Mass3.51 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.56 G
Rotation Period25 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period424 years 78 days 11 hours 23 minutes 59 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1.7Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-268°C
Base Daytime temperature-263°C
Base Nighttime temperature-268°C
Summer temperature increase13°C
Winter temperature decrease22°C
Upper Temperature Limit-248°C
Lower Temperature Limit-268°C
Hydrographic Percentage95%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 23
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 19
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance191110 km
Diameter14979 km
Jump Point distance1719990 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 43m 42s; 2G: 30m 54s; 3G: 25m 14s; 4G: 21m 51s; 5G: 19m 33s; 6G: 17m 50s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.32 Earth
Mass0.456 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.36 G
Rotation Period96 hours 45 minutes 36 seconds
Orbital Period4 days 0 hours 46 minutes 4 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.35Atm
Atmosphere CompositionInsidious atmosphere caused by Gas Mix at 0.35 pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.06%) and Nitrogen(99.94%).
Base Surface Temperature-265°C
Base Daytime temperature-259°C
Base Nighttime temperature-269°C
Summer temperature increase21°C
Winter temperature decrease35°C
Upper Temperature Limit-259°C
Lower Temperature Limit-269°C
Hydrographic Percentage79%
Surface Liquid CompositionHydrofluoric Acid
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 29
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 25
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance11466600 km
Diameter14938 km
Jump Point distance1493800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 40m 44s; 2G: 28m 48s; 3G: 23m 31s; 4G: 20m 22s; 5G: 18m 13s; 6G: 16m 37s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.94 Earth
Mass1.338 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.06 G
Rotation Period33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds
Orbital Period67 Lunar months 1 days 4 hours 53 minutes 45 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.55Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-255°C
Base Daytime temperature-245°C
Base Nighttime temperature-260°C
Summer temperature increase10°C
Winter temperature decrease17°C
Upper Temperature Limit-228°C
Lower Temperature Limit-260°C
Hydrographic Percentage48%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeTransients
Seismic StressStress factor is 2
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -2
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance107 AU
Diameter12197 km
Jump Point distance1219700 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 36m 48s; 2G: 26m 1s; 3G: 21m 15s; 4G: 18m 24s; 5G: 16m 27s; 6G: 15m 1s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.44 Earth
Mass0.44 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.44 G
Rotation Period29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period1636 years 198 days 13 hours 26 minutes 24 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure2.2Atm
Atmosphere CompositionExotic gas mix at Dense pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0009%) and Nitrogen(99.9991%).
Base Surface Temperature-260°C
Base Daytime temperature-254°C
Base Nighttime temperature-261°C
Summer temperature increase23°C
Winter temperature decrease38°C
Upper Temperature Limit-208°C
Lower Temperature Limit-261°C
Hydrographic Percentage42%
Surface Liquid CompositionHydrofluoric Acid
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 21
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 17
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance121970 km
Diameter11288 km
Jump Point distance1128800 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 35m 24s; 2G: 25m 2s; 3G: 20m 26s; 4G: 17m 42s; 5G: 15m 50s; 6G: 14m 27s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.96 Earth
Mass0.643 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.84 G
Rotation Period105 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period4 days 9 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.7Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Sulfur Compounds
Base Surface Temperature-261°C
Base Daytime temperature-243°C
Base Nighttime temperature-265°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit-243°C
Lower Temperature Limit-265°C
Hydrographic Percentage37%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 18
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 14
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance365910 km
Diameter1565 km
Jump Point distance853790 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 30m 48s; 2G: 21m 46s; 3G: 17m 46s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 46s; 6G: 12m 34s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.28 Earth
Mass0.00055 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.0352 G
Rotation Period547 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds
Orbital Period22 days 19 hours 40 minutes 48 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0Atm
Atmosphere CompositionNone
Base Surface Temperature-261°C
Base Daytime temperature-260°C
Base Nighttime temperature-271°C
Summer temperature increase23°C
Winter temperature decrease38°C
Upper Temperature Limit-260°C
Lower Temperature Limit-271°C
Hydrographic Percentage0%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeSettlers
Seismic StressStress factor is 4
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 0
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance1219700 km
Diameter8551 km
Jump Point distance855100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 30m 49s; 2G: 21m 47s; 3G: 17m 47s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 47s; 6G: 12m 35s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.34 Earth
Mass0.08301 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.21 G
Rotation Period25 hours 8 minutes 24 seconds
Orbital Period4 Lunar months 26 days 20 hours 26 minutes 52 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.12Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease
Base Surface Temperature-262°C
Base Daytime temperature-253°C
Base Nighttime temperature-267°C
Summer temperature increase23°C
Winter temperature decrease39°C
Upper Temperature Limit-253°C
Lower Temperature Limit-267°C
Hydrographic Percentage52%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 4
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 0
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance169 AU
Diameter5637 km
Jump Point distance563700 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 25m 1s; 2G: 17m 41s; 3G: 14m 26s; 4G: 12m 30s; 5G: 11m 11s; 6G: 10m 13s;
Density TypeRocky Body
Density0.78 Earth
Mass0.04113 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.29 G
Rotation Period33 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period3248 years 179 days 22 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.5Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants
Base Surface Temperature-264°C
Base Daytime temperature-254°C
Base Nighttime temperature-267°C
Summer temperature increase18°C
Winter temperature decrease30°C
Upper Temperature Limit-250°C
Lower Temperature Limit-267°C
Hydrographic Percentage40%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance263 AU
Diameter12592 km
Jump Point distance1259200 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 37m 24s; 2G: 26m 26s; 3G: 21m 35s; 4G: 18m 42s; 5G: 16m 43s; 6G: 15m 16s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.98 Earth
Mass0.98 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.98 G
Rotation Period29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period6306 years 167 days 12 hours 50 minutes 23 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.9Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-266°C
Base Daytime temperature-259°C
Base Nighttime temperature-267°C
Summer temperature increase5°C
Winter temperature decrease8°C
Upper Temperature Limit-248°C
Lower Temperature Limit-267°C
Hydrographic Percentage75%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance2518400 km
Diameter6493 km
Jump Point distance649300 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.4 Earth
Mass0.05 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.2 G
Rotation Period9 hours 9 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period15 Lunar months 12 days 4 hours 59 minutes 31 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure1Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by High Oxygen
Base Surface Temperature-265°C
Base Daytime temperature-263°C
Base Nighttime temperature-266°C
Summer temperature increase20°C
Winter temperature decrease33°C
Upper Temperature Limit-245°C
Lower Temperature Limit-266°C
Hydrographic Percentage50%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance3148000 km
Diameter6886 km
Jump Point distance688600 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 27m 39s; 2G: 19m 33s; 3G: 15m 58s; 4G: 13m 49s; 5G: 12m 22s; 6G: 11m 17s;
Density TypeIcy Body
Density0.24 Earth
Mass0.03 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)0.12 G
Rotation Period25 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds
Orbital Period21 Lunar months 16 days 0 hours 23 minutes 2 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure0.8Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-265°C
Base Daytime temperature-259°C
Base Nighttime temperature-266°C
Summer temperature increase22°C
Winter temperature decrease36°C
Upper Temperature Limit-245°C
Lower Temperature Limit-266°C
Hydrographic Percentage75%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeYes
Native Intelligent LifeCatastrophic Extinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 1
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < -3
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
World Name
Orbital Distance735 AU
Diameter14701 km
Jump Point distance1470100 km
Time to Jump Point at …1G: 40m 24s; 2G: 28m 34s; 3G: 23m 20s; 4G: 20m 12s; 5G: 18m 4s; 6G: 16m 29s;
Density TypeMolten Core
Density0.98 Earth
Mass1.395 Earth
Surface Gravity (G)1.1 G
Rotation Period29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Orbital Period29463 years 147 days 19 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds
Axial Tilt0
Surface Atmospheric Pressure2Atm
Atmosphere CompositionStandard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix
Base Surface Temperature-268°C
Base Daytime temperature-262°C
Base Nighttime temperature-268°C
Summer temperature increase2°C
Winter temperature decrease4°C
Upper Temperature Limit-248°C
Lower Temperature Limit-268°C
Hydrographic Percentage99%
Surface Liquid CompositionWater
Native LifeNo
Native Intelligent LifeExtinct Natives
Seismic StressStress factor is 4
Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period:
Formidable (4D) < 0
Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line.
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