System Elysium (TG)

A2 V White Main Sequence
Elysium   A779922-F
Jovian Planet
41 small moons
 Elysium   A779922-F
Starport:A (Excellent)
Excellent quality installation. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. Naval base and/or scout base may be present.
Naval Base:No
Scout Base:Yes
Size:7 (7000 miles)
Atmosphere:7 (Standard, tainted)
Standard tainted atmosphere, requires the use of filter masks.
Hydrography:9 (90% water)
Population:9 (Billions of inhabitants)
Government:2 (Participating democracy)
Government by advice and consent of the citizen.
Law Level:2 (Portable energy weapons prohibited)
Tech Level:F (Technical maximum Imperial)
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