System Alledra
The Alledra System (0840 Reaver’s Deep)
Primary | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
0.18 AU | 0.52 AU | 0.7 AU | 1 AU | 2.08 AU | 3.76 AU | 6 AU | 9.55 AU | 22 AU | 43.5 AU | 107 AU | 169 AU | 263 AU | 735 AU | |
An unnamed star | Alledra | Large Gas Giant | Large Gas Giant | Large Gas Giant | Ice world | Worldlet | Big world | Ice world | Ice world | Big world | Ice world | Rad world | Rad world | Rad world |
M1 V | E566576-5 | Size: T | Size: U | Size: S | Y465043-6 | Y000300-6 | YDFA447-A | Y445041-6 | Y410000-6 | YCFA341-6 | Y8A4000-8 | Y344000-0 | Y867000-0 | Y98A000-0 |
InfernoYBB0000-0Storm worldY583000-3Storm worldY286020-3HospitableY368255-6 | Rad worldY8DA000-0Rad worldYB74000-0 | Ice worldY544032-6Rad worldY664000-0Ice worldY322024-7 | Ring systemBig worldH100410-AIce worldY130005-9WorldletH256432-7 | Rad worldY322000-0Ice worldY300000-5WorldletH000443-9 | Ring systemRing systemBig worldY100465-9Big worldY120455-BIce worldY100000-6 | Ring systemIce worldY330021-5WorldletG356456-5 | Ice worldY9C8000-4Big worldY955112-6 | Rad worldY744000-0WorldletH100469-ARad worldY535000-0 | Ice worldY475014-4Ice worldY467001-5 |
Base Orbit | Decimal Orbit | Orbital Distance | Name | Content Type | UWP | TCs and Remarks | Albedo | Greenhouse Multiplier | Average Temperature | |
Primary | Star | M1 V | Radii (Sol): 0.5108 Mass (Sol): 0.4574 Luminosity (Sol): 0.0334 | |||||||
0 | 0 | 0.18 AU | Alledra | Hospitable | E566576-5 | Ni Ag Pr Tz | 0.34 | 1.1 | 1 | |
1 | 1.4 | 0.52 AU | Large Gas Giant | Size: T | Size: T | |||||
eff | 880924 km | Inferno | YBB0000-0 | He Ba Co Sa Lk | 0.4 | 2.1 | 6 | |||
gee | 1174566 km | Storm world | Y583000-3 | Di Co Sa Lk | 0.15 | 1.15 | -56 | |||
aitch | 1468207 km | Storm world | Y286020-3 | Co Sa Lk | 0.35 | 1.15 | -107 | |||
tee | 44046219 km | Hospitable | Y368255-6 | Lo Co Fa Sa | 0.45 | 1.1 | -139 | |||
2 | 2 | 0.7 AU | Large Gas Giant | Size: U | Size: U | |||||
pee | 19592090 km | Rad world | Y8DA000-0 | Wa Ba Fr Sa | 0.5 | 1.15 | -163 | |||
ess | 48980225 km | Rad world | YB74000-0 | Ba Sa | 0.18 | 1.1 | -101 | |||
3 | 3 | 1 AU | Large Gas Giant | Size: S | Size: S | |||||
cee | 381473 km | Ice world | Y544032-6 | Fr Sa Lk | 0.23 | 1.05 | -144 | |||
gee | 1017262 km | Rad world | Y664000-0 | Ba Fr Sa Lk | 0.19 | 1.1 | -131 | |||
tee | 38147340 km | Ice world | Y322024-7 | He Po Fr Sa | 0.2 | 1 | -145 | |||
4 | 4.4 | 2.08 AU | Ice world | Y465043-6 | Fr | 0.28 | 1.1 | -185 | ||
ay | 6685 km | Ring System | ||||||||
cee | 20055 km | Big world | H100410-A | Va Ni Sa Lk | 0.29 | 1 | -194 | |||
eye | 133700 km | Ice world | Y130005-9 | De Po Sa Lk | 0.24 | 1 | -189 | |||
ess | 1671250 km | Worldlet | H256432-7 | Ni Pa Fr Sa | 0.51 | 1.05 | -216 | |||
5 | 5.4 | 3.76 AU | Worldlet | Y000300-6 | As Lo | 0.26 | 1 | -212 | ||
6 | 6.2 | 6 AU | Big world | YDFA447-A | Oc Ni | 0.5 | 1 | -240 | ||
cee | 63273 km | Rad world | Y322000-0 | He Ba Po Fr Sa Lk | 0.24 | 1 | -223 | |||
gee | 168728 km | Ice world | Y300000-5 | Va Di Sa Lk | 0.26 | 1 | -225 | |||
yu | 8436400 km | Worldlet | H000443-9 | As Ni Sa | 0.32 | 1 | -229 | |||
7 | 6.9 | 9.55 AU | Ice world | Y445041-6 | Fr | 0.19 | 1.05 | -229 | ||
bee | 11830 km | Ring System | ||||||||
cee | 17745 km | Ring System | ||||||||
dee | 23660 km | Big world | Y100465-9 | Va Ni Re Sa Lk | 0.27 | 1 | -235 | |||
ee | 29575 km | Big world | Y120455-B | De Ni Po Sa Lk | 0.26 | 1 | -235 | |||
eff | 35490 km | Ice world | Y100000-6 | Va Di Sa Lk | 0.24 | 1 | -234 | |||
8 | 8.1 | 22 AU | Ice world | Y410000-6 | Di | 0.32 | 1 | -250 | ||
ay | 7218 km | Ring System | ||||||||
eff | 43308 km | Ice world | Y330021-5 | De Po Sa Lk | 0.28 | 1 | -248 | |||
aitch | 72180 km | Worldlet | G356456-5 | Ni Pa Fr Sa Lk | 0.3 | 1.05 | -248 | |||
9 | 9.1 | 43.5 AU | Big world | YCFA341-6 | Oc Lo | 0.8 | 1 | -268 | ||
aitch | 191110 km | Ice world | Y9C8000-4 | Fl Di Fr Sa Lk | 0.8 | 1.6 | -265 | |||
dub | 11466600 km | Big world | Y955112-6 | Lo Fr Sa | 0.3 | 1.05 | -255 | |||
10 | 10.4 | 107 AU | Ice world | Y8A4000-8 | Fl Di Fr | 0.4 | 1.4 | -260 | ||
aitch | 121970 km | Rad world | Y744000-0 | Ba Fr Sa Lk | 0.23 | 1.05 | -261 | |||
jay | 365910 km | Worldlet | H100469-A | Va Ni Sa Lk | 0.24 | 1 | -261 | |||
pee | 1219700 km | Rad world | Y535000-0 | Ba Fr Sa | 0.3 | 1 | -262 | |||
11 | 11.1 | 169 AU | Rad world | Y344000-0 | Ba Fr | 0.27 | 1.05 | -264 | ||
12 | 11.7 | 263 AU | Rad world | Y867000-0 | Ga Ba Fr | 0.38 | 1.1 | -266 | ||
arr | 2518400 km | Ice world | Y475014-4 | Fr Sa | 0.28 | 1.1 | -265 | |||
ess | 3148000 km | Ice world | Y467001-5 | Fr Sa | 0.25 | 1.1 | -265 | |||
13 | 13.2 | 735 AU | Rad world | Y98A000-0 | Wa Ba Fr | 0.3 | 1.15 | -268 |
World Name | Alledra |
Orbit | 0 |
Orbital Distance | 0.18 AU |
Diameter | 7654 km |
Jump Point distance | 44145095 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 3h 41m 28s; 2G: 2h 36m 36s; 3G: 2h 7m 52s; 4G: 1h 50m 44s; 5G: 1h 39m 2s; 6G: 1h 30m 24s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 1.06 Earth |
Mass | 0.259 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.66 G |
Rotation Period | 989 hours 52 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 41 days 5 hours 52 minutes 48 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.95Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.34 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | 1°C |
Base Daytime temperature | 686°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -40°C |
Summer temperature increase | 0°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 0°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 686°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -40°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 62% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eff |
Orbital Distance | 880924 km |
Diameter | 17694 km |
Jump Point distance | 13801149 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 2h 3m 49s; 2G: 87m 33s; 3G: 71m 29s; 4G: 61m 54s; 5G: 55m 22s; 6G: 50m 33s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 1.02 Earth |
Mass | 2.652 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.4 G |
Rotation Period | 55 hours 46 minutes 12 seconds |
Orbital Period | 2 days 7 hours 46 minutes 33 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.25Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Corrosive gas mix at temperature 6°C and at Very Thin pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0038%) and Nitrogen(99.9962%). |
Albedo | 0.4 |
Greenhouse | 2.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | 6°C |
Base Daytime temperature | 28°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -133°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 23°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 229°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -133°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 2% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Hydrofluoric Acid |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Exotic Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 386 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 382 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | gee |
Orbital Distance | 1174566 km |
Diameter | 8483 km |
Jump Point distance | 13507507 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 2h 2m 30s; 2G: 86m 37s; 3G: 70m 43s; 4G: 61m 15s; 5G: 54m 47s; 6G: 50m 0s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.92 Earth |
Mass | 0.225 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.58 G |
Rotation Period | 86 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 14 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1.9Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.15 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -56°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -39°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -78°C |
Summer temperature increase | 21°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 35°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 812°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -78°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 33% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 289 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 285 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 1468207 km |
Diameter | 2426 km |
Jump Point distance | 13213866 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 2h 1m 10s; 2G: 85m 40s; 3G: 69m 57s; 4G: 60m 35s; 5G: 54m 11s; 6G: 49m 28s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.96 Earth |
Mass | 0.015 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.24 G |
Rotation Period | 120 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 5 days 0 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 2.2Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.35 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -107°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -83°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -124°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 23°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 557°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -124°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 59% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 229 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 225 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | tee |
Orbital Distance | 44046219 km |
Diameter | 4706 km |
Jump Point distance | 470600 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 22m 52s; 2G: 16m 10s; 3G: 13m 12s; 4G: 11m 26s; 5G: 10m 13s; 6G: 9m 20s; |
Density Type | Heavy Core |
Density | 1.35 Earth |
Mass | 0.07119 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.51 G |
Rotation Period | 39 hours 4 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 29 Lunar months 13 days 17 hours 57 minutes 7 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.9Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.45 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -139°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -129°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -159°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 23°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 196°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -159°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 79% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 6 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 2 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | pee |
Orbital Distance | 19592090 km |
Diameter | 12043 km |
Jump Point distance | 1204300 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 36m 34s; 2G: 25m 51s; 3G: 21m 7s; 4G: 18m 17s; 5G: 16m 21s; 6G: 14m 56s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.62 Earth |
Mass | 0.62 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.62 G |
Rotation Period | 99 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds |
Orbital Period | 5 Lunar months 15 days 20 hours 21 minutes 7 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 10Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.5 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -163°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -153°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -168°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 387°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -168°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 100% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 31 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 27 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ess |
Orbital Distance | 48980225 km |
Diameter | 17079 km |
Jump Point distance | 1707900 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 43m 33s; 2G: 30m 48s; 3G: 25m 9s; 4G: 21m 46s; 5G: 19m 28s; 6G: 17m 47s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.88 Earth |
Mass | 2.288 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.21 G |
Rotation Period | 68 hours 18 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 22 Lunar months 0 days 2 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Gas Mix |
Albedo | 0.18 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -101°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -84°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -127°C |
Summer temperature increase | 26°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 44°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 329°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -127°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 42% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 13 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 9 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | cee |
Orbital Distance | 381473 km |
Diameter | 8494 km |
Jump Point distance | 12334307 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 1h 57m 4s; 2G: 82m 46s; 3G: 67m 35s; 4G: 58m 32s; 5G: 52m 21s; 6G: 47m 47s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.42 Earth |
Mass | 0.103 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.26 G |
Rotation Period | 20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 0 days 20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.23 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -144°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -138°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -174°C |
Summer temperature increase | 24°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 40°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 50°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -183°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 42% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 662 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 658 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | gee |
Orbital Distance | 1017262 km |
Diameter | 9993 km |
Jump Point distance | 11698518 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 1h 54m 0s; 2G: 80m 37s; 3G: 65m 49s; 4G: 57m 0s; 5G: 50m 59s; 6G: 46m 32s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.86 Earth |
Mass | 0.363 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.65 G |
Rotation Period | 88 hours 1 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 16 hours 1 minutes 55 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.19 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -131°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -109°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -152°C |
Summer temperature increase | 20°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 34°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 224°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -152°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 39% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 252 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 248 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | tee |
Orbital Distance | 38147340 km |
Diameter | 4785 km |
Jump Point distance | 478500 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 23m 3s; 2G: 16m 18s; 3G: 13m 18s; 4G: 11m 31s; 5G: 10m 18s; 6G: 9m 24s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.01793 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.13 G |
Rotation Period | 35 hours 6 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 30 Lunar months 4 days 22 hours 56 minutes 38 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.18Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.2 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -145°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -131°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -209°C |
Summer temperature increase | 15°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 25°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -43°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -209°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 20% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 5 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 1 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 4.4 |
Orbital Distance | 2.08 AU |
Diameter | 6685 km |
Jump Point distance | 668500 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 27m 15s; 2G: 19m 16s; 3G: 15m 44s; 4G: 13m 37s; 5G: 12m 11s; 6G: 11m 7s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.26 Earth |
Mass | 0.0325 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.13 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 12 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 years 159 days 3 hours 21 minutes 35 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.95Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.28 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -185°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -179°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -198°C |
Summer temperature increase | 2°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 3°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 35°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -198°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 50% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 11 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 7 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | cee |
Orbital Distance | 20055 km |
Diameter | 1769 km |
Jump Point distance | 648445 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 26m 50s; 2G: 18m 58s; 3G: 15m 29s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.00063 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0403 G |
Rotation Period | 36 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 1 days 12 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.29 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -194°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -186°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -257°C |
Summer temperature increase | 29°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 49°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -186°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -257°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 3% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 38 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 34 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eye |
Orbital Distance | 133700 km |
Diameter | 1542 km |
Jump Point distance | 534800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 24m 22s; 2G: 17m 14s; 3G: 14m 4s; 4G: 12m 11s; 5G: 10m 54s; 6G: 9m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.00066 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0422 G |
Rotation Period | 619 hours 34 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 25 days 19 hours 35 minutes 2 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.23Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -189°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -122°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -231°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 24°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -122°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -231°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 3 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -1 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ess |
Orbital Distance | 1671250 km |
Diameter | 3462 km |
Jump Point distance | 346200 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 19m 36s; 2G: 13m 52s; 3G: 11m 19s; 4G: 9m 48s; 5G: 8m 46s; 6G: 8m 0s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.68 Earth |
Mass | 0.01063 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.17 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 40 Lunar months 21 days 9 hours 24 minutes 28 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.51 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -216°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -208°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -233°C |
Summer temperature increase | 4°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 6°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -130°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -233°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 58% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 0 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 5.4 |
Orbital Distance | 3.76 AU |
Diameter | 687 km |
Jump Point distance | 68700 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 8m 44s; 2G: 6m 10s; 3G: 5m 2s; 4G: 4m 22s; 5G: 3m 54s; 6G: 3m 34s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.36 Earth |
Mass | 0.00006 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0206 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds |
Orbital Period | 10 years 284 days 16 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.26 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -212°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -206°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -261°C |
Summer temperature increase | 19°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 31°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -206°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -261°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 0% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 0 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 6.2 |
Orbital Distance | 6 AU |
Diameter | 21091 km |
Jump Point distance | 2109100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 48m 24s; 2G: 34m 13s; 3G: 27m 56s; 4G: 24m 12s; 5G: 21m 38s; 6G: 19m 45s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.92 Earth |
Mass | 3.948 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.5 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds |
Orbital Period | 21 years 266 days 19 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.16Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.5 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -240°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -227°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -256°C |
Summer temperature increase | 29°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 48°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -214°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -256°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 100% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 37 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 33 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | cee |
Orbital Distance | 63273 km |
Diameter | 4832 km |
Jump Point distance | 2045827 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 47m 40s; 2G: 33m 42s; 3G: 27m 31s; 4G: 23m 50s; 5G: 21m 19s; 6G: 19m 27s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.01793 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.13 G |
Rotation Period | 21 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 0 days 21 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.16Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -223°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -214°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -248°C |
Summer temperature increase | 16°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 26°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -183°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 21% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 110 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 106 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | gee |
Orbital Distance | 168728 km |
Diameter | 3978 km |
Jump Point distance | 1940372 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 46m 25s; 2G: 32m 49s; 3G: 26m 48s; 4G: 23m 12s; 5G: 20m 45s; 6G: 18m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.22 Earth |
Mass | 0.0116 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0825 G |
Rotation Period | 92 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 20 hours 44 minutes 9 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.26 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -225°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -220°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -263°C |
Summer temperature increase | 17°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 28°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -220°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -263°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 2% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Vanished Transplants |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 41 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 37 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | yu |
Orbital Distance | 8436400 km |
Diameter | 554 km |
Jump Point distance | 55400 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 7m 50s; 2G: 5m 32s; 3G: 4m 31s; 4G: 3m 55s; 5G: 3m 30s; 6G: 3m 12s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.00003 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0159 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 48 Lunar months 23 days 23 hours 54 minutes 14 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.32 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -229°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -225°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -264°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -225°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -264°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 3% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 6.9 |
Orbital Distance | 9.55 AU |
Diameter | 5915 km |
Jump Point distance | 591500 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 25m 38s; 2G: 18m 7s; 3G: 14m 48s; 4G: 12m 49s; 5G: 11m 27s; 6G: 10m 27s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.38 Earth |
Mass | 0.0475 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.19 G |
Rotation Period | 13 hours 2 minutes 23 seconds |
Orbital Period | 43 years 232 days 12 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.48Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease |
Albedo | 0.19 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -229°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -225°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -242°C |
Summer temperature increase | 28°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 46°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -163°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -242°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 51% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 20 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 16 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | dee |
Orbital Distance | 23660 km |
Diameter | 2098 km |
Jump Point distance | 567840 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 25m 7s; 2G: 17m 45s; 3G: 14m 30s; 4G: 12m 33s; 5G: 11m 13s; 6G: 10m 15s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.46 Earth |
Mass | 0.0009 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0576 G |
Rotation Period | 43 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 1 days 19 hours 0 minutes 28 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.27 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -235°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -231°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -265°C |
Summer temperature increase | 13°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 21°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -231°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -265°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 5% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 24 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 20 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ee |
Orbital Distance | 29575 km |
Diameter | 1821 km |
Jump Point distance | 561925 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 24m 59s; 2G: 17m 40s; 3G: 14m 25s; 4G: 12m 29s; 5G: 11m 10s; 6G: 10m 12s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.68 Earth |
Mass | 0.00133 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0851 G |
Rotation Period | 60 hours 28 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 2 days 12 hours 28 minutes 48 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.12Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.26 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -235°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -211°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -254°C |
Summer temperature increase | 54°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 90°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -205°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -254°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 21 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 17 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eff |
Orbital Distance | 35490 km |
Diameter | 2190 km |
Jump Point distance | 556010 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 24m 51s; 2G: 17m 34s; 3G: 14m 21s; 4G: 12m 25s; 5G: 11m 6s; 6G: 10m 8s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.00063 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0403 G |
Rotation Period | 79 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 7 hours 17 minutes 45 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -234°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -230°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -265°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 37°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -230°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -265°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Vanished Transplants |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 16 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 12 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 8.1 |
Orbital Distance | 22 AU |
Diameter | 7218 km |
Jump Point distance | 721800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 28m 19s; 2G: 20m 1s; 3G: 16m 21s; 4G: 14m 9s; 5G: 12m 39s; 6G: 11m 33s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.44 Earth |
Mass | 0.055 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.22 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 1 minutes 11 seconds |
Orbital Period | 152 years 210 days 5 hours 45 minutes 35 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.05Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Trace gases |
Albedo | 0.32 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -250°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -243°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -266°C |
Summer temperature increase | 28°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 46°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -243°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -266°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 3% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Vanished Transplants |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 22 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 18 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eff |
Orbital Distance | 43308 km |
Diameter | 4692 km |
Jump Point distance | 678492 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 27m 27s; 2G: 19m 24s; 3G: 15m 51s; 4G: 13m 43s; 5G: 12m 16s; 6G: 11m 12s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.3 Earth |
Mass | 0.01582 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.11 G |
Rotation Period | 76 hours 35 minutes 59 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 4 hours 36 minutes 28 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.23Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.28 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -248°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -228°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -260°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 24°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -228°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -260°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 20 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 16 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 72180 km |
Diameter | 4722 km |
Jump Point distance | 649620 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 58s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.54 Earth |
Mass | 0.02848 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.2 G |
Rotation Period | 164 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds |
Orbital Period | 6 days 20 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -248°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -210°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -255°C |
Summer temperature increase | 7°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 12°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -210°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -255°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 61% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 10 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 6 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 9.1 |
Orbital Distance | 43.5 AU |
Diameter | 19111 km |
Jump Point distance | 1911100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 46m 4s; 2G: 32m 35s; 3G: 26m 36s; 4G: 23m 2s; 5G: 20m 36s; 6G: 18m 48s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 1.04 Earth |
Mass | 3.51 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.56 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 424 years 78 days 11 hours 23 minutes 59 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1.7Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.8 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -268°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -263°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -268°C |
Summer temperature increase | 13°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 22°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -268°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 95% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 23 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 19 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 191110 km |
Diameter | 14979 km |
Jump Point distance | 1719990 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 43m 42s; 2G: 30m 54s; 3G: 25m 14s; 4G: 21m 51s; 5G: 19m 33s; 6G: 17m 50s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.456 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.36 G |
Rotation Period | 96 hours 45 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 days 0 hours 46 minutes 4 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.35Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Insidious atmosphere caused by Gas Mix at 0.35 pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.06%) and Nitrogen(99.94%). |
Albedo | 0.8 |
Greenhouse | 1.6 |
Base Surface Temperature | -265°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -259°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -269°C |
Summer temperature increase | 21°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 35°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -259°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -269°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 79% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Hydrofluoric Acid |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 29 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 25 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | dub |
Orbital Distance | 11466600 km |
Diameter | 14938 km |
Jump Point distance | 1493800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 40m 44s; 2G: 28m 48s; 3G: 23m 31s; 4G: 20m 22s; 5G: 18m 13s; 6G: 16m 37s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.94 Earth |
Mass | 1.338 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.06 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds |
Orbital Period | 67 Lunar months 1 days 4 hours 53 minutes 45 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.55Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -255°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -245°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -260°C |
Summer temperature increase | 10°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 17°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -228°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -260°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 48% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 2 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -2 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 10.4 |
Orbital Distance | 107 AU |
Diameter | 12197 km |
Jump Point distance | 1219700 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 36m 48s; 2G: 26m 1s; 3G: 21m 15s; 4G: 18m 24s; 5G: 16m 27s; 6G: 15m 1s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.44 Earth |
Mass | 0.44 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.44 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 1636 years 198 days 13 hours 26 minutes 24 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 2.2Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Exotic gas mix at Dense pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0009%) and Nitrogen(99.9991%). |
Albedo | 0.4 |
Greenhouse | 1.4 |
Base Surface Temperature | -260°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -254°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -261°C |
Summer temperature increase | 23°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 38°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -208°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -261°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 42% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Hydrofluoric Acid |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 21 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 17 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 121970 km |
Diameter | 11288 km |
Jump Point distance | 1128800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 35m 24s; 2G: 25m 2s; 3G: 20m 26s; 4G: 17m 42s; 5G: 15m 50s; 6G: 14m 27s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.96 Earth |
Mass | 0.643 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.84 G |
Rotation Period | 105 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 days 9 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.7Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Sulfur Compounds |
Albedo | 0.23 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -261°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -243°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -265°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -243°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -265°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 37% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 18 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 14 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | jay |
Orbital Distance | 365910 km |
Diameter | 1565 km |
Jump Point distance | 853790 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 30m 48s; 2G: 21m 46s; 3G: 17m 46s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 46s; 6G: 12m 34s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.28 Earth |
Mass | 0.00055 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0352 G |
Rotation Period | 547 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 22 days 19 hours 40 minutes 48 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -261°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -260°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -271°C |
Summer temperature increase | 23°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 38°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -260°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -271°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 0% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 4 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 0 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | pee |
Orbital Distance | 1219700 km |
Diameter | 8551 km |
Jump Point distance | 855100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 30m 49s; 2G: 21m 47s; 3G: 17m 47s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 47s; 6G: 12m 35s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.08301 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.21 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 8 minutes 24 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 Lunar months 26 days 20 hours 26 minutes 52 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.12Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -262°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -253°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -267°C |
Summer temperature increase | 23°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 39°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -253°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -267°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 52% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 4 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 0 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 11.1 |
Orbital Distance | 169 AU |
Diameter | 5637 km |
Jump Point distance | 563700 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 25m 1s; 2G: 17m 41s; 3G: 14m 26s; 4G: 12m 30s; 5G: 11m 11s; 6G: 10m 13s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.78 Earth |
Mass | 0.04113 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.29 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3248 years 179 days 22 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.27 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -264°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -254°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -267°C |
Summer temperature increase | 18°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 30°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -250°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -267°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 40% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 11.7 |
Orbital Distance | 263 AU |
Diameter | 12592 km |
Jump Point distance | 1259200 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 37m 24s; 2G: 26m 26s; 3G: 21m 35s; 4G: 18m 42s; 5G: 16m 43s; 6G: 15m 16s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.98 Earth |
Mass | 0.98 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.98 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 6306 years 167 days 12 hours 50 minutes 23 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.9Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.38 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -266°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -259°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -267°C |
Summer temperature increase | 5°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 8°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -267°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 75% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 0 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | arr |
Orbital Distance | 2518400 km |
Diameter | 6493 km |
Jump Point distance | 649300 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.4 Earth |
Mass | 0.05 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.2 G |
Rotation Period | 9 hours 9 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 15 Lunar months 12 days 4 hours 59 minutes 31 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by High Oxygen |
Albedo | 0.28 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -265°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -263°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -266°C |
Summer temperature increase | 20°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 33°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -245°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -266°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 50% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ess |
Orbital Distance | 3148000 km |
Diameter | 6886 km |
Jump Point distance | 688600 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 27m 39s; 2G: 19m 33s; 3G: 15m 58s; 4G: 13m 49s; 5G: 12m 22s; 6G: 11m 17s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.24 Earth |
Mass | 0.03 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.12 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds |
Orbital Period | 21 Lunar months 16 days 0 hours 23 minutes 2 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.8Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.25 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -265°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -259°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -266°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -245°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -266°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 75% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 0 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -4 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 13.2 |
Orbital Distance | 735 AU |
Diameter | 14701 km |
Jump Point distance | 1470100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 40m 24s; 2G: 28m 34s; 3G: 23m 20s; 4G: 20m 12s; 5G: 18m 4s; 6G: 16m 29s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.98 Earth |
Mass | 1.395 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.1 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 29463 years 147 days 19 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 2Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -268°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -262°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -268°C |
Summer temperature increase | 2°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 4°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -268°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 99% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 4 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 0 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | Alledra |
Orbit | 0 |
Orbital Distance | 0.18 AU |
Diameter | 7654 km |
Jump Point distance | 44145095 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 3h 41m 28s; 2G: 2h 36m 36s; 3G: 2h 7m 52s; 4G: 1h 50m 44s; 5G: 1h 39m 2s; 6G: 1h 30m 24s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 1.06 Earth |
Mass | 0.259 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.66 G |
Rotation Period | 989 hours 52 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 41 days 5 hours 52 minutes 48 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.95Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.34 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | 1°C |
Base Daytime temperature | 686°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -40°C |
Summer temperature increase | 0°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 0°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 686°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -40°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 62% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eff |
Orbital Distance | 880924 km |
Diameter | 17694 km |
Jump Point distance | 13801149 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 2h 3m 49s; 2G: 87m 33s; 3G: 71m 29s; 4G: 61m 54s; 5G: 55m 22s; 6G: 50m 33s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 1.02 Earth |
Mass | 2.652 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.4 G |
Rotation Period | 55 hours 46 minutes 12 seconds |
Orbital Period | 2 days 7 hours 46 minutes 33 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.25Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Corrosive gas mix at temperature 6°C and at Very Thin pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0038%) and Nitrogen(99.9962%). |
Albedo | 0.4 |
Greenhouse | 2.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | 6°C |
Base Daytime temperature | 28°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -133°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 23°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 229°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -133°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 2% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Hydrofluoric Acid |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Exotic Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 386 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 382 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | gee |
Orbital Distance | 1174566 km |
Diameter | 8483 km |
Jump Point distance | 13507507 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 2h 2m 30s; 2G: 86m 37s; 3G: 70m 43s; 4G: 61m 15s; 5G: 54m 47s; 6G: 50m 0s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.92 Earth |
Mass | 0.225 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.58 G |
Rotation Period | 86 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 14 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1.9Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.15 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -56°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -39°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -78°C |
Summer temperature increase | 21°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 35°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 812°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -78°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 33% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 289 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 285 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 1468207 km |
Diameter | 2426 km |
Jump Point distance | 13213866 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 2h 1m 10s; 2G: 85m 40s; 3G: 69m 57s; 4G: 60m 35s; 5G: 54m 11s; 6G: 49m 28s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.96 Earth |
Mass | 0.015 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.24 G |
Rotation Period | 120 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 5 days 0 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 2.2Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.35 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -107°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -83°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -124°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 23°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 557°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -124°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 59% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 229 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 225 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | tee |
Orbital Distance | 44046219 km |
Diameter | 4706 km |
Jump Point distance | 470600 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 22m 52s; 2G: 16m 10s; 3G: 13m 12s; 4G: 11m 26s; 5G: 10m 13s; 6G: 9m 20s; |
Density Type | Heavy Core |
Density | 1.35 Earth |
Mass | 0.07119 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.51 G |
Rotation Period | 39 hours 4 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 29 Lunar months 13 days 17 hours 57 minutes 7 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.9Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.45 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -139°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -129°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -159°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 23°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 196°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -159°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 79% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 6 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 2 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | pee |
Orbital Distance | 19592090 km |
Diameter | 12043 km |
Jump Point distance | 1204300 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 36m 34s; 2G: 25m 51s; 3G: 21m 7s; 4G: 18m 17s; 5G: 16m 21s; 6G: 14m 56s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.62 Earth |
Mass | 0.62 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.62 G |
Rotation Period | 99 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds |
Orbital Period | 5 Lunar months 15 days 20 hours 21 minutes 7 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 10Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.5 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -163°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -153°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -168°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 387°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -168°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 100% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 31 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 27 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ess |
Orbital Distance | 48980225 km |
Diameter | 17079 km |
Jump Point distance | 1707900 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 43m 33s; 2G: 30m 48s; 3G: 25m 9s; 4G: 21m 46s; 5G: 19m 28s; 6G: 17m 47s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.88 Earth |
Mass | 2.288 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.21 G |
Rotation Period | 68 hours 18 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 22 Lunar months 0 days 2 hours 0 minutes 57 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Gas Mix |
Albedo | 0.18 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -101°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -84°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -127°C |
Summer temperature increase | 26°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 44°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 329°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -127°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 42% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 13 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 9 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | cee |
Orbital Distance | 381473 km |
Diameter | 8494 km |
Jump Point distance | 12334307 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 1h 57m 4s; 2G: 82m 46s; 3G: 67m 35s; 4G: 58m 32s; 5G: 52m 21s; 6G: 47m 47s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.42 Earth |
Mass | 0.103 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.26 G |
Rotation Period | 20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 0 days 20 hours 9 minutes 36 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.23 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -144°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -138°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -174°C |
Summer temperature increase | 24°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 40°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 50°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -183°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 42% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 662 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 658 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | gee |
Orbital Distance | 1017262 km |
Diameter | 9993 km |
Jump Point distance | 11698518 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 1h 54m 0s; 2G: 80m 37s; 3G: 65m 49s; 4G: 57m 0s; 5G: 50m 59s; 6G: 46m 32s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.86 Earth |
Mass | 0.363 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.65 G |
Rotation Period | 88 hours 1 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 16 hours 1 minutes 55 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.19 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -131°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -109°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -152°C |
Summer temperature increase | 20°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 34°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 224°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -152°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 39% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 252 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 248 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | tee |
Orbital Distance | 38147340 km |
Diameter | 4785 km |
Jump Point distance | 478500 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 23m 3s; 2G: 16m 18s; 3G: 13m 18s; 4G: 11m 31s; 5G: 10m 18s; 6G: 9m 24s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.01793 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.13 G |
Rotation Period | 35 hours 6 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 30 Lunar months 4 days 22 hours 56 minutes 38 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.18Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.2 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -145°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -131°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -209°C |
Summer temperature increase | 15°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 25°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -43°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -209°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 20% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 5 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 1 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 4.4 |
Orbital Distance | 2.08 AU |
Diameter | 6685 km |
Jump Point distance | 668500 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 27m 15s; 2G: 19m 16s; 3G: 15m 44s; 4G: 13m 37s; 5G: 12m 11s; 6G: 11m 7s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.26 Earth |
Mass | 0.0325 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.13 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 12 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 years 159 days 3 hours 21 minutes 35 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.95Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.28 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -185°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -179°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -198°C |
Summer temperature increase | 2°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 3°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | 35°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -198°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 50% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 11 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 7 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | cee |
Orbital Distance | 20055 km |
Diameter | 1769 km |
Jump Point distance | 648445 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 26m 50s; 2G: 18m 58s; 3G: 15m 29s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.00063 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0403 G |
Rotation Period | 36 hours 16 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 1 days 12 hours 17 minutes 16 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.29 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -194°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -186°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -257°C |
Summer temperature increase | 29°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 49°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -186°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -257°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 3% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 38 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 34 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eye |
Orbital Distance | 133700 km |
Diameter | 1542 km |
Jump Point distance | 534800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 24m 22s; 2G: 17m 14s; 3G: 14m 4s; 4G: 12m 11s; 5G: 10m 54s; 6G: 9m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.00066 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0422 G |
Rotation Period | 619 hours 34 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 25 days 19 hours 35 minutes 2 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.23Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -189°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -122°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -231°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 24°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -122°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -231°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 3 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -1 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ess |
Orbital Distance | 1671250 km |
Diameter | 3462 km |
Jump Point distance | 346200 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 19m 36s; 2G: 13m 52s; 3G: 11m 19s; 4G: 9m 48s; 5G: 8m 46s; 6G: 8m 0s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.68 Earth |
Mass | 0.01063 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.17 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 40 Lunar months 21 days 9 hours 24 minutes 28 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.51 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -216°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -208°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -233°C |
Summer temperature increase | 4°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 6°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -130°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -233°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 58% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 5.4 |
Orbital Distance | 3.76 AU |
Diameter | 687 km |
Jump Point distance | 68700 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 8m 44s; 2G: 6m 10s; 3G: 5m 2s; 4G: 4m 22s; 5G: 3m 54s; 6G: 3m 34s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.36 Earth |
Mass | 0.00006 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0206 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds |
Orbital Period | 10 years 284 days 16 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.26 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -212°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -206°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -261°C |
Summer temperature increase | 19°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 31°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -206°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -261°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 0% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 6.2 |
Orbital Distance | 6 AU |
Diameter | 21091 km |
Jump Point distance | 2109100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 48m 24s; 2G: 34m 13s; 3G: 27m 56s; 4G: 24m 12s; 5G: 21m 38s; 6G: 19m 45s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.92 Earth |
Mass | 3.948 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.5 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds |
Orbital Period | 21 years 266 days 19 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.16Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.5 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -240°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -227°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -256°C |
Summer temperature increase | 29°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 48°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -214°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -256°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 100% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 37 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 33 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | cee |
Orbital Distance | 63273 km |
Diameter | 4832 km |
Jump Point distance | 2045827 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 47m 40s; 2G: 33m 42s; 3G: 27m 31s; 4G: 23m 50s; 5G: 21m 19s; 6G: 19m 27s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.01793 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.13 G |
Rotation Period | 21 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 0 days 21 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.16Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -223°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -214°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -248°C |
Summer temperature increase | 16°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 26°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -183°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 21% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 110 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 106 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | gee |
Orbital Distance | 168728 km |
Diameter | 3978 km |
Jump Point distance | 1940372 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 46m 25s; 2G: 32m 49s; 3G: 26m 48s; 4G: 23m 12s; 5G: 20m 45s; 6G: 18m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.22 Earth |
Mass | 0.0116 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0825 G |
Rotation Period | 92 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 20 hours 44 minutes 9 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.26 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -225°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -220°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -263°C |
Summer temperature increase | 17°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 28°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -220°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -263°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 2% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Vanished Transplants |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 41 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 37 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | yu |
Orbital Distance | 8436400 km |
Diameter | 554 km |
Jump Point distance | 55400 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 7m 50s; 2G: 5m 32s; 3G: 4m 31s; 4G: 3m 55s; 5G: 3m 30s; 6G: 3m 12s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.00003 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0159 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 48 Lunar months 23 days 23 hours 54 minutes 14 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.32 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -229°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -225°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -264°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -225°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -264°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 3% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 6.9 |
Orbital Distance | 9.55 AU |
Diameter | 5915 km |
Jump Point distance | 591500 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 25m 38s; 2G: 18m 7s; 3G: 14m 48s; 4G: 12m 49s; 5G: 11m 27s; 6G: 10m 27s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.38 Earth |
Mass | 0.0475 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.19 G |
Rotation Period | 13 hours 2 minutes 23 seconds |
Orbital Period | 43 years 232 days 12 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.48Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease |
Albedo | 0.19 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -229°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -225°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -242°C |
Summer temperature increase | 28°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 46°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -163°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -242°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 51% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 20 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 16 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | dee |
Orbital Distance | 23660 km |
Diameter | 2098 km |
Jump Point distance | 567840 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 25m 7s; 2G: 17m 45s; 3G: 14m 30s; 4G: 12m 33s; 5G: 11m 13s; 6G: 10m 15s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.46 Earth |
Mass | 0.0009 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0576 G |
Rotation Period | 43 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 1 days 19 hours 0 minutes 28 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.27 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -235°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -231°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -265°C |
Summer temperature increase | 13°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 21°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -231°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -265°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 5% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 24 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 20 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ee |
Orbital Distance | 29575 km |
Diameter | 1821 km |
Jump Point distance | 561925 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 24m 59s; 2G: 17m 40s; 3G: 14m 25s; 4G: 12m 29s; 5G: 11m 10s; 6G: 10m 12s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.68 Earth |
Mass | 0.00133 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0851 G |
Rotation Period | 60 hours 28 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 2 days 12 hours 28 minutes 48 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.12Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.26 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -235°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -211°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -254°C |
Summer temperature increase | 54°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 90°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -205°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -254°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 21 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 17 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eff |
Orbital Distance | 35490 km |
Diameter | 2190 km |
Jump Point distance | 556010 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 24m 51s; 2G: 17m 34s; 3G: 14m 21s; 4G: 12m 25s; 5G: 11m 6s; 6G: 10m 8s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.00063 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0403 G |
Rotation Period | 79 hours 17 minutes 24 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 7 hours 17 minutes 45 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -234°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -230°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -265°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 37°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -230°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -265°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Vanished Transplants |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 16 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 12 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 8.1 |
Orbital Distance | 22 AU |
Diameter | 7218 km |
Jump Point distance | 721800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 28m 19s; 2G: 20m 1s; 3G: 16m 21s; 4G: 14m 9s; 5G: 12m 39s; 6G: 11m 33s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.44 Earth |
Mass | 0.055 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.22 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 1 minutes 11 seconds |
Orbital Period | 152 years 210 days 5 hours 45 minutes 35 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.05Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Trace gases |
Albedo | 0.32 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -250°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -243°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -266°C |
Summer temperature increase | 28°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 46°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -243°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -266°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 3% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Vanished Transplants |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 22 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 18 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | eff |
Orbital Distance | 43308 km |
Diameter | 4692 km |
Jump Point distance | 678492 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 27m 27s; 2G: 19m 24s; 3G: 15m 51s; 4G: 13m 43s; 5G: 12m 16s; 6G: 11m 12s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.3 Earth |
Mass | 0.01582 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.11 G |
Rotation Period | 76 hours 35 minutes 59 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3 days 4 hours 36 minutes 28 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.23Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.28 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -248°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -228°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -260°C |
Summer temperature increase | 14°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 24°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -228°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -260°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 1% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 20 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 16 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 72180 km |
Diameter | 4722 km |
Jump Point distance | 649620 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 58s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.54 Earth |
Mass | 0.02848 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.2 G |
Rotation Period | 164 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds |
Orbital Period | 6 days 20 hours 38 minutes 23 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -248°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -210°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -255°C |
Summer temperature increase | 7°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 12°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -210°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -255°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 61% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 10 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 6 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 9.1 |
Orbital Distance | 43.5 AU |
Diameter | 19111 km |
Jump Point distance | 1911100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 46m 4s; 2G: 32m 35s; 3G: 26m 36s; 4G: 23m 2s; 5G: 20m 36s; 6G: 18m 48s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 1.04 Earth |
Mass | 3.51 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.56 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 0 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 424 years 78 days 11 hours 23 minutes 59 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1.7Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.8 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -268°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -263°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -268°C |
Summer temperature increase | 13°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 22°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -268°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 95% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 23 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 19 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 191110 km |
Diameter | 14979 km |
Jump Point distance | 1719990 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 43m 42s; 2G: 30m 54s; 3G: 25m 14s; 4G: 21m 51s; 5G: 19m 33s; 6G: 17m 50s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.32 Earth |
Mass | 0.456 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.36 G |
Rotation Period | 96 hours 45 minutes 36 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 days 0 hours 46 minutes 4 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.35Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Insidious atmosphere caused by Gas Mix at 0.35 pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.06%) and Nitrogen(99.94%). |
Albedo | 0.8 |
Greenhouse | 1.6 |
Base Surface Temperature | -265°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -259°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -269°C |
Summer temperature increase | 21°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 35°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -259°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -269°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 79% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Hydrofluoric Acid |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 29 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 25 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | dub |
Orbital Distance | 11466600 km |
Diameter | 14938 km |
Jump Point distance | 1493800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 40m 44s; 2G: 28m 48s; 3G: 23m 31s; 4G: 20m 22s; 5G: 18m 13s; 6G: 16m 37s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.94 Earth |
Mass | 1.338 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.06 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 7 minutes 11 seconds |
Orbital Period | 67 Lunar months 1 days 4 hours 53 minutes 45 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.55Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -255°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -245°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -260°C |
Summer temperature increase | 10°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 17°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -228°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -260°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 48% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Transients |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 2 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -2 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 10.4 |
Orbital Distance | 107 AU |
Diameter | 12197 km |
Jump Point distance | 1219700 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 36m 48s; 2G: 26m 1s; 3G: 21m 15s; 4G: 18m 24s; 5G: 16m 27s; 6G: 15m 1s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.44 Earth |
Mass | 0.44 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.44 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 1636 years 198 days 13 hours 26 minutes 24 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 2.2Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Exotic gas mix at Dense pressure. The atmosphere is composed of Fluorine(0.0009%) and Nitrogen(99.9991%). |
Albedo | 0.4 |
Greenhouse | 1.4 |
Base Surface Temperature | -260°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -254°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -261°C |
Summer temperature increase | 23°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 38°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -208°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -261°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 42% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Hydrofluoric Acid |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Exotic Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 21 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 17 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | aitch |
Orbital Distance | 121970 km |
Diameter | 11288 km |
Jump Point distance | 1128800 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 35m 24s; 2G: 25m 2s; 3G: 20m 26s; 4G: 17m 42s; 5G: 15m 50s; 6G: 14m 27s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.96 Earth |
Mass | 0.643 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.84 G |
Rotation Period | 105 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 days 9 hours 30 minutes 14 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.7Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Sulfur Compounds |
Albedo | 0.23 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -261°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -243°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -265°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -243°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -265°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 37% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 18 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 14 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | jay |
Orbital Distance | 365910 km |
Diameter | 1565 km |
Jump Point distance | 853790 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 30m 48s; 2G: 21m 46s; 3G: 17m 46s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 46s; 6G: 12m 34s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.28 Earth |
Mass | 0.00055 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.0352 G |
Rotation Period | 547 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds |
Orbital Period | 22 days 19 hours 40 minutes 48 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | None |
Albedo | 0.24 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -261°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -260°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -271°C |
Summer temperature increase | 23°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 38°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -260°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -271°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 0% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Settlers |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 4 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 0 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | pee |
Orbital Distance | 1219700 km |
Diameter | 8551 km |
Jump Point distance | 855100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 30m 49s; 2G: 21m 47s; 3G: 17m 47s; 4G: 15m 24s; 5G: 13m 47s; 6G: 12m 35s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.34 Earth |
Mass | 0.08301 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.21 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 8 minutes 24 seconds |
Orbital Period | 4 Lunar months 26 days 20 hours 26 minutes 52 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.12Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Disease |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -262°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -253°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -267°C |
Summer temperature increase | 23°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 39°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -253°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -267°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 52% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 4 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 0 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 11.1 |
Orbital Distance | 169 AU |
Diameter | 5637 km |
Jump Point distance | 563700 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 25m 1s; 2G: 17m 41s; 3G: 14m 26s; 4G: 12m 30s; 5G: 11m 11s; 6G: 10m 13s; |
Density Type | Rocky Body |
Density | 0.78 Earth |
Mass | 0.04113 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.29 G |
Rotation Period | 33 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 3248 years 179 days 22 hours 40 minutes 47 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.5Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by Pollutants |
Albedo | 0.27 |
Greenhouse | 1.05 |
Base Surface Temperature | -264°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -254°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -267°C |
Summer temperature increase | 18°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 30°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -250°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -267°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 40% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 11.7 |
Orbital Distance | 263 AU |
Diameter | 12592 km |
Jump Point distance | 1259200 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 37m 24s; 2G: 26m 26s; 3G: 21m 35s; 4G: 18m 42s; 5G: 16m 43s; 6G: 15m 16s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.98 Earth |
Mass | 0.98 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.98 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 6306 years 167 days 12 hours 50 minutes 23 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.9Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.38 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -266°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -259°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -267°C |
Summer temperature increase | 5°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 8°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -267°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 75% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | arr |
Orbital Distance | 2518400 km |
Diameter | 6493 km |
Jump Point distance | 649300 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 26m 51s; 2G: 18m 59s; 3G: 15m 30s; 4G: 13m 25s; 5G: 12m 0s; 6G: 10m 57s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.4 Earth |
Mass | 0.05 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.2 G |
Rotation Period | 9 hours 9 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 15 Lunar months 12 days 4 hours 59 minutes 31 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 1Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix with a taint caused by High Oxygen |
Albedo | 0.28 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -265°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -263°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -266°C |
Summer temperature increase | 20°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 33°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -245°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -266°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 50% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | ess |
Orbital Distance | 3148000 km |
Diameter | 6886 km |
Jump Point distance | 688600 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 27m 39s; 2G: 19m 33s; 3G: 15m 58s; 4G: 13m 49s; 5G: 12m 22s; 6G: 11m 17s; |
Density Type | Icy Body |
Density | 0.24 Earth |
Mass | 0.03 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 0.12 G |
Rotation Period | 25 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds |
Orbital Period | 21 Lunar months 16 days 0 hours 23 minutes 2 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 0.8Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.25 |
Greenhouse | 1.1 |
Base Surface Temperature | -265°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -259°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -266°C |
Summer temperature increase | 22°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 36°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -245°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -266°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 75% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | Yes |
Native Intelligent Life | Catastrophic Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 1 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < -3 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |
World Name | |
Orbit | 13.2 |
Orbital Distance | 735 AU |
Diameter | 14701 km |
Jump Point distance | 1470100 km |
Time to Jump Point at … | 1G: 40m 24s; 2G: 28m 34s; 3G: 23m 20s; 4G: 20m 12s; 5G: 18m 4s; 6G: 16m 29s; |
Density Type | Molten Core |
Density | 0.98 Earth |
Mass | 1.395 Earth |
Surface Gravity (G) | 1.1 G |
Rotation Period | 29 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds |
Orbital Period | 29463 years 147 days 19 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds |
Axial Tilt | 0 |
Surface Atmospheric Pressure | 2Atm |
Atmosphere Composition | Standard Oxygen / Nitrogen Mix |
Albedo | 0.3 |
Greenhouse | 1.15 |
Base Surface Temperature | -268°C |
Base Daytime temperature | -262°C |
Base Nighttime temperature | -268°C |
Summer temperature increase | 2°C |
Winter temperature decrease | 4°C |
Upper Temperature Limit | -248°C |
Lower Temperature Limit | -268°C |
Hydrographic Percentage | 99% |
Surface Liquid Composition | Water |
Native Life | No |
Native Intelligent Life | Extinct Natives |
Seismic Stress | Stress factor is 4 Occurence of a volcanic eruption or earthquake in a 24-hour period: Formidable (4D) < 0 Note: DM -2 if on a Volcano hex, DM -2 if on a fault line. |